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Mindfulness During Work

An article about how to practice mindfulness during working and the benefits of doing so

3 min readAug 9, 2022


Productive men mindfully working
Photo by: Annie Spratt on Unsplash


Practicing mindfulness, whether it is by meditating or simply putting your focus on a task, has significant benefits.

You may have been practicing mindfulness during your meditation, but that is not the only way you can do so. Being mindful means being aware of something by being present.

When I intended to perform my tasks mindfully, I noticed that I was getting more work done with less effort. The quality of my finished products improved while I got everything done in less time. Applying my focus to one task at a time has helped me focus on creativity rather than finishing it to get over it.

When I was in the moment, meaning I wasn’t thinking about the past or future, my intention to finish a task improved.

And you may think it is easy to achieve a state of mindfulness during work, but in reality, it is challenging. Distractions are a significant killer when it comes to focusing on the present. These can be external distractions such as your phone and notifications or internal ones such as thinking about your next meal. Whatever prevents you from focusing on something is a distraction, and you must get rid of as many as them to the best of your ability.

Here are the most common distractions and how you can eliminate them:

  • Phone: Cover it up, turn it off, or get it out of your sight
  • Notifications/Emails: Turn off notifications during the periods you work
  • Past Situations: Address the situation once by writing it down somewhere; addressing it once is better than constantly thinking about it throughout the day

There are many other distractions out there that can limit you from being more productive. Eliminate them the best you can.

Now that you understand how distractions can limit you from focusing during work, I will share the benefits I have experienced from practicing mindfulness during tasks.

Photo by: Diego PH on Unsplash

#1. Enhanced Creativity

You can only be creative when you immerse yourself in a task.

Creativity comes from the mind and imagination, meaning you cannot be interrupted a lot when working. When I limited most distractions, it shifted my mind to focus more on my work. With a more aware mind, I came up with creative ideas that improved the quality of my work.

#2. More Recognition

Now that my work was higher in quality, I received more recognition from people and reached a bigger audience.

Say that you are a writer online that is mindfully doing your work, the paragraphs you write are flowing out of your clear mind. And these paragraphs are well-structured, relate to the article topic, and have clear sentences. Readers love to read articles that are straightforward and well-written.

For the past month, I’ve been writing and being mindful, and my number of reads and followers raised exponentially. I am grateful for every user who takes the time to read my articles.

Now, let’s get back to the topic. :)


You can practice mindfulness anywhere and everywhere. It can be from meditating to performing daily tasks.

Being in the moment during my work has allowed me to be more creative while getting more done in less time.

If you have any thoughts or questions, please share them in the comments below!




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