Coronavirus: During a Tough Time, Some Useful Advice From Our Users.

Joshua Namm
5 min readMar 17, 2020


I’m the co-founder of the only social platform, Moptu, designed to share the articles we all read online every day.

The Coronavirus pandemic has caused a wide variety of reactions from absolute panic to skepticism. Recently, we realized that our users have provided an amazing wealth of information about the virus, its effects, prevention, activities to enjoy during self-isolation, and (much) more.

I wanted to bring some of that to you. (Being as very few people have heard of us. Yet.) All links are to a user posted link on Moptu (They deserve to get the credit for these incredible posts! Just click on “Read More” to read the full article).


First things first. These are the official guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).


It’s also VERY important to keep your everyday household items as clean as possible. That includes that dirty laptop that you may be reading this on. Clean it up, thoroughly, in four easy steps! Learn how here.

Clean that dirty laptop!

Working From Home

Are you working from home? What about your friends and family? Will all of the working from home lead to a permanent home workforce? Some experts say: yes!

I like washing my hands, but sometimes it’s monotonous, boring, and feels like work!

GREAT news! There is a website that allows you to wash your hands to your favorite songs! Really.

Do surgical gloves prevent the spread of Coronavirus?

Yes and no. That depends on what you doing. Yes if you are caring for someone. Not so much if you’re stepping out of the house (momentarily) to grab some crucial items. Read more here.

How do I know if I have the flu?

Flu vs. Cornavirus: HERE is the difference.

And also here.

What is it like to have the Cornavirus?

This Seattle woman tells you exactly what it’s like.

What Does the Coronavirus do to our bodies?

For those of you who are science types and absolutely need to know exactly what the Covid 19 virus does, here you go

Coronavirus seems really scary. What can you tell me about that?

Here are some much needed facts!

Courtesy: The CDC

What is the good news (because there is ALWAYS good news)?

Well, we really liked what this guy had to say.


Also, it looks like a vaccine is on the way! Read about it here!

And, in fact, a Seattle woman (what is it with Seattle women?) was just injected in the first trial. What happened? Read about that right here!

First person to receive the new vaccine!

I’m stuck at home, how do I get food delivered safely?

Some of us can’t leave our homes, or can’t do so easily. Fortunately, another Moptu user had that covered too! Read about it here.

Help! I’m stuck at home and I’m bored!

We (or more accurately: our users) can help!

Here are the best shows and original movies on Amazon Prime!

Here are 40 movies on Netflix that are pretty awesome!

It’s movie time baby!

What? 40 isn’t enough for you? Ok! Here are ONE HUNDRED!

You hate movies and TV?

No problem! How about a tour of 12 famous museums?


Or, a Broadway show?

And then after all of that: here are 18 more things you can do while “social distancing”!

Our users post every single day. We have thousands of posts on Moptu with millions of article views. Our users post about almost anything you can imagine from Health & Fitness, to Science & Technology, to Recipes to almost anything else.

We are the ONLY social platform that lets you read and share articles about the things you love without the “social noise” and distractions of status updates, memes, selfies etc. For that reason, we believe that our platform is a more useful, more grown up, resource because, in the end, we are a community sourced reservoir of information. And, at times like this, community is more important than ever before.

Some more resources:

For all of our posts tagged “Coronavirus,” please click here.

For all of our posts tagged “Covid19,” please click here.

Lastly, you need to follow health guidelines, use common sense, and stay healthy. So make sure to eat. This is definitely the time for comfort food! So here are all of our posts tagged “ComfortFood.”

Joining Moptu is always free (in every possible way, we only ask that you join to post and follow other users), we have no algorithms telling you what to read (crazily, we leave that totally up to you), and we never censor (unless you violate the usual, common sense based, terms of use).

You can join here. We also have an iPhone app! You can find that here.

The more you post: the more we all learn.

Any questions? Contact me!

Josh Namm
Moptu Co-Founder

