4 min readJun 1, 2023

For I fear no man
No Beast or Foe

Every man is birthed with fears from birth, some he outgrows when he comes of age, others he picks up along the way from the environment he finds himself and some never quite leaves him until he breathes his last on his dying bed...
Only a few of us, have conquered the many fears life throws at us like a practical joke and only a few have lived to tell the tale.

I once was a fearful boy, dreading the very outcome of simple things. Mine was a case of what if's; Like what would happen, if I was dropped off from this height or what if that shadow moving in the corner, suddenly jumps on me or what if I am never noticed in class for the big things or on the negative side, what if I told a lie and that lie was presumed to be found out, the impending punishment will be so mightily exhalted in my mind, that I would have punished and killed myself ten times over before the punishment came.
And the amazing thing about my guardian, if I might add, was how she had a way of foreboding punishment.
According to her technique, the punishment was more psychological than it was physical but still, you wouldn't dare to defy the physical punishment as well...
Both were a yin and yen situation in perfect synergy.

Then I became a teenager who dreaded the fate nature had thrown at him.
I was dark and greatly towered and my greatest foe was a Picasso'd face.
To the girls I admired, I was a great guy and probably worth taking a chance on but then I was scared of my flaws. Flaws no one saw but myself.
This time I was an enemy to myself and I partially hated that.

Then I grew a tad more and found myself in an era of youth, still carrying those fears like a bagpack.
This time, I would fear people in authority, a fearsome animal once or twice, a big speech presentation, an expected success at an exam and even beautiful women...
This time there was alot to be afraid of with justifiable reasons to.
I had wandered beyond my comfort zone and faced real-life situation fears, of which some I triumphed as a warrior, while many others I cowered as a stranger to the strengths I wield.

I remembered how once, I had an encounter with a group of cultists. I was cornered and almost extorted from but I was resilient. I only got punched in the face but I took that punch like a man and even if I had victory at the end, I ended up replaying that scene in my head and coming up with different and better endings to that very encounter.
This time, my mind was my Allie.

But when I had to confront a friend to prove the validity of my love and I had to question alot of things in my mind that threw doubt to the love I gave, my mind switched this time to be my foe.

I was in a classic merry go round with my enemies, both within, without and around.
These were no more, a figment of my imagination, but they were as real as the Sun shining down on my face.

Then my fears grew wings to dance with spiritual entities; God, destiny, fate, strongholds and death being not the least of them.
This was a truly foreboding dance, one in tune to nature and to calls of it's time.

For once, I could sense the awakening of a new strength... There was no more shaking knees, imploding heart beats, or cowardly tears.
I braced myself for mighty encounters and said to myself, no matter what, I will come out strong and of course I did.

There was a mightiness in this new warrior that was never relished before and once this was found out, I was never going to let it go.
Fear once begat fear in this little boy but now I birth strength with my youth.

So this time, as a new Chapter unfolds, I look forward to the impending year with a warrior smile and I ask with a loud voice carried by the wind, "what new fear begets you"...
I was once an ordinary human drowning in fears but now I tower with a Warriors might not afraid of any Man, Beast or Foe.



My Pen gives voice to the maze my mind is... For each word is a reality in itself and of these realities, I am an humble servant.