It’s finally here, my Apple Watch

Joshua Peper
2 min readMay 5, 2015


It took a while, but the watch is finally here. Hopefully the people of Startup Delta can do something about the delays that we had to face because of customs issues. It is not helping innovative companies like us.

We live streamed the unpacking of the Apple Watch on Periscope and of course we took some pictures.

After the setup process, I looked at how our modifications to apps, we have already developed, worked on the watch. There are clearly some tweaks needed. I also took a quick look at some other Dutch apps.

In the meanwhile I was working with the Apple Watch, and did not need to recharge it. The UI feels pretty natural, although scrolling with the digital crown is a bit strange. Fortunately you can also choose to scroll with your finger across the screen.

Alright, the apps are in: De Telegraaf made a newsreader thats is working reasonably well. It is cool that this is possible, but it is totally not useful to read news on such a small screen. Also the app Buienradar promised a good working app, but i keeps crashing on my watch.

Unfortunatly, because I wanted to use this app on our Liberation Festival Groningen. There was bad weather predicted, so it would be very helpful knowing when it was going to raid. Luckily the Apple Watch is waterproof!

P.S.: This is my first Medium post, please give me feedback (in a positive way). If you want to know more about my experiences with the Apple Watch (including dev), let me know!



Joshua Peper

CTO @Peperzaken/Verifai. iPhone / Mac user. Likes programming, gadgets and photographing.