5 Things no one told me about Abstract Classes

2 min readJan 23, 2022

1. The difference between Abstract classes and Interface

As a beginner in java we always feel like abstract classes and interfaces are similar and yet different. But what the difference is , one finds it hard to comprehend, at least that was the case for me.
Interface is basically a contract for the classes that extend it. Whereas Abstract isn’t entirely like that. Abstract classes can have a body for their methods which aren’t marked abstract. And if those methods with body are declared as public, they can be accessible to other classes in the same package.

Abstract Class
Class which extends the abstract class

2. We cannot instantiate an abstract class Object

We will not be able to instantiate an abstract class object. If in the example above if we try to create an abstract class object in the class which is extending it we get an error.

object of abstract class

3. An abstract class can have member variables and static variables

An abstract class can have public, private ,protected and also static variables in it.

access modifiers

4.Abstract class can implement an interface and not use its methods

Usually a class which extends an interface should always implement it methods. But that’s not the case with abstract classes , they can extend an interface but not implement its methods.

5.Main method

We can have a main method in abstract classes

main method




Full Stack Developer. Avid reader of Christian Literature. Not a foodie.