Tools of a Hacky Startup DesignerA collection of tools that will help you move at the speed that you need to survive.Mar 8, 2020Mar 8, 2020
The comprehensive guide to design researchHow to build businesses and experiences based on the needs of your customersJan 19, 20201Jan 19, 20201
A simple framework to choose the right job for youFinding a job that fits you is hard. Use my simple framework to focus on the right opportunities.Nov 17, 20181Nov 17, 20181
Published inGlobantThe life of a design consultant: How to survive in the deep endOver the course of my working life as a design consultant I’ve been thrown in at the deep end a lot. I’ve become well acquainted with life…Apr 10, 20174Apr 10, 20174
Just enough research — Why there is no excuse for excluding your customersJohn Maeda recently stated in a blog post that technology is no longer valuable without design. This got me thinking and I’ve decided that…Feb 26, 2016Feb 26, 2016