Onboarding New Members to the DATS Project: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

Joshua Esin
5 min readMay 19, 2024


Welcome to the DATS Project, a decentralized cybersecurity initiative leveraging the power of collective computing resources. This tutorial will guide you through the process of joining the DATS Project and becoming an active participant in securing the Web3 landscape.


The DATS Project stands out in the realm of decentralized cybersecurity. It utilizes DEPIN (Decentralized High-Performance Computing) to create a robust network that addresses complex cybersecurity challenges. As a new member, you will contribute your idle system resources, participate in the community, and help build a secure digital future.

Step 1: Understanding the DATS Project

Before diving into the technical steps, it’s essential to understand what the DATS Project is all about.

  • Decentralized Cybersecurity: DATS leverages decentralized computing power to enhance Web3 security.
  • Collaborative Network: Participants worldwide contribute their idle system resources, creating a powerful cybersecurity network.
  • Innovative Services: DATS offers a range of cybersecurity services, including DDOS testing, threat intelligence, and penetration testing.

To learn more about the project visit DATS Project Website and check out DATS Whitepaper

Step 2: Preparing for Onboarding

To get started, ensure you have the following:

  • A computer with internet access.
  • A compatible operating system (Windows, Linux, or macOS).
  • A cryptocurrency wallet (e.g., MetaMask) for transactions and resource contributions.

Step 3: Downloading the DATS Project Application

  • Locate the Download Section: Find the “Download” button prominently displayed on the homepage.
  • Download the Application: Select the version compatible with your operating system (Windows, Linux, or macOS) and download the application.
  • Install the Application: Once the download is complete, locate the installation file and follow the on-screen instructions to install the DATS Project application on your computer.

Step 4: Setting Up Your Application

  1. Launch the Application: Open the DATS Project application on your computer.
  2. Follow On-Screen Instructions: Complete any initial setup steps, including required updates and configurations.
  3. Review and Accept Terms: Carefully read and accept the Terms of Service to proceed.

Step 5: Connecting Your Wallet

  1. Open the Application: Navigate to the DATS Project application interface.

2. Connect Your Wallet:

  • Click the “Connect Wallet” button.
  • Choose your preferred wallet (e.g., MetaMask).
  • Use your device’s camera to scan the displayed QR code.

3. Confirm the Connection:

  • Review the transaction details in your wallet.
  • Confirm the transaction to establish a secure connection.

Step 6: Sharing Your Resources

  1. Lanch the Application: Open the DATS Project application and connect your wallet if not connected.
  2. Select DDOS Test: From the main menu, choose the “DDOS Test” option.
  3. Configure Bandwidth Sharing:
  • Select the amount of bandwidth you wish to share.
  • Save your changes to start contributing to the network.

Step 7: NFT Minting

  1. Access the DATS DApp: Visit the DATS DApp.
  2. Mint Your NFT:
  • Locate the wallet connecting option at the top right of the home screen.
  • Click “Mint NFT” to mint the NFT you earned through resource sharing.

Step 8: Monitoring Your Resource Sharing

  1. Check Usage Regularly: Regularly monitor your internet usage to ensure it aligns with your comfort level.
  2. Adjust Settings: The DATS Project app provides visualizations of your shared bandwidth and resource contribution. Adjust your sharing settings as needed to maintain a balance between participation and personal needs.
  3. Check your DATS Score regulary. Note, your DATS Score updates every 24hrs. if it doesn’t change after 24hrs reach our to our team on discord
  4. Check your position on the leaderboard. To access the leaderboard head over to our download page and scroll down to the leaderboard section. On the leaderboard you can see your Rank, Wallet address, DATS Score, number of Resources shared, Cpu, Bandwith etc.

Step 9: Accepting New Transactions

  1. Monitor Notifications: Whenever a new transaction is initiated, you’ll receive a notification on your connected mobile wallet.
  2. Review and Confirm: Open your mobile wallet, review the transaction details, and confirm the transaction.


By following these steps, you can seamlessly onboard to the DATS Project and become an integral part of a revolutionary cybersecurity ecosystem. Your contributions help build a secure and resilient Web3 landscape. Welcome to the DATS community, where your participation makes a powerful impact on the future of cybersecurity.

For further assistance, contact us on telegram or discord server or reach out to us using our mail!



Joshua Esin

I am a Full Stack Developer, Software/Application Developer and a UI/UX Designer