Code bootcamp done, now what?

Josh Vandergrift
3 min readMay 22, 2017

Code Bootcamps are great for jump starting you into a new career. Before you think it is going to rain money, you need to realize you actually still suck at coding. But hey… Having worked with more than a few developers from boot camps no worries. I have a few tips to help you suck less.

Learn UI/UX basics

This especially applies if you come from a javascript focused accelerator like Hack Reactor. Many early stage startups don’t write full specifications on how an interface is supposed to behave under certain conditions. Having a clear understanding of different states that a screen can be in is helpful because a designer can focus on the bigger picture and leave some implementation details to you. If you are going into a large company this may not apply, but it’s always a good skill to have in your back pocket.

Action Items

  1. Learn the basics of typography & font hierarchy
  2. Design Thinking Challenge — View Airbnb through a couple different lenses. As a user who is looking for something to do in their hometown this weekend. As a user who is going on vacation in a couple months and needs a place to stay. How was your experience? What can be improved? Bonus points if you actually book something #summer17amirite.


You should be able to put together an interface exactly how it looks and as the designer intended. Nothing is more frustrating to a designer than when the person implementing can’t see the difference between 10px and 20px. If you just finished an accelerator program, spend some time implementing the interface of a few of your favorite companies. Focus on the details & measure the margins and don’t focus too much on whether to use positioning, floats, flexbox etc… Time, emulation & experience will correct all of this for you.

Action Items

  1. Find a design that doesn’t contain many assets from a site like dribbble or behance or choose a site you like to use and code it to pixel perfection.
  2. Learn the difference between using a framework like bootstrap or foundation and frameworks like bourbon.
  3. Email me josh [at] bitriot dot co and I will happily review & give tips on best practices.

Zoom Out

Toy problems and algorithms are terrific for building fundamental understanding of coding. But when you move into a larger team, you need to begin thinking about the system as a whole. Will your code adversely affect another part of the system?

For those going into more back end roles here’s a simple example of bigger picture thinking. You need to add Stripe payments but eventually you may want to use PayPal or another gateway. You might want to quickly drop the Stripe boiler plate in your controller and move on, but not so fast. With a couple extra steps you can optimize for flexibility in the future.

For example:

class PaymentGateway
TAX_AMOUNT = 0.0875
def initialize(amount:)
@amount = amount
def charge
raise "not implemented"

def tax
@amount * TAX_AMOUNT

def total
amount + tax

Now we have a generic class we can implement our Stripe specific code.

class StripeGateway < PaymentGateway
def charge
# Stripe Stuff

And later we can add more gateways and not worry about specific implementation details running throughout our code.

class PaypalGateway < PaymentGateway
def charge
# Paypal Stuff
class User < ApplicationRecord
def gateway
if paypal?
# Simply
user = User.find(1) 100).charge

Action Items

  1. Learn Sandi Metz’ Rules
  2. Watch this video on refactoring

Congrats on learning how to code. Now go out and build something.

Email me josh [at] bitriot dot co and I will happily help you.

