Why Human Rights Issues Have Not Been Solved

Josh Vyktor T
4 min readDec 30, 2018


The legal document stipulated by the United Nations stipulates this, word for word:

The 1948 Universal Declaration begins by recognising that ‘the inherent dignity of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world’.

It declares that human rights are universal — to be enjoyed by all people, no matter who they are or where they live.

It includes civil and political rights, like the right to life, liberty, free speech and privacy. It also includes economic, social and cultural rights, like the right to social security, health and education.

What do we understand of this? Honestly, nothing much. The ambiguity of the terms allows individuals to twist and turn their way through. Let’s break this down to uncover the fundamental concepts and flaws behind the standard.

What are the Universal Human Rights?

It has been agreed on by the UN that the basis is “right to life”. Taking the statement at face value, we can deduce its meaning as “what every human deserves”. Then, it begs the question, What Exactly Does Every Human Deserve?

1. All Humans Are Guaranteed Life?

If all innocent humans deserve this, what about “bad” ones? Do they deserve the “liberty” innocent people do, or do they deserve justice?

2. All Humans Are Treated with Fairness?

If one lives a good life, are they entitled to a better life? If yes, is that fair? Then again, what makes a society fair?

This is the ideal mindset for just and fairness — Napoleon Hill

Men who labour will receive more than daily wages; they will receive dividends from the business, the same as those who supply the capital for business; but, first they must Give More to their employers, and stop this bickering and bargaining by force, at the expense of the public. They must earn the right to dividends!

Fairness can be broken down into these two aspects:


Depending on race, disability, sex and sexual orientation, history has shown that certain groups have experienced discrimination and certain groups experienced favouritism.

Equality can only be derived after equity is achieved. If everyone receives the same opportunities but start at different levels, that is not equitable. However, to provide the same end result is not equality, because the “initially disadvantaged” received more aid. It sparks a vicious cycle and we come to an impasse.

This image has recently gone viral on the internet.


Although an equity orientation is laudable as to how it affects different groups of people, this orientation gives rise to problems surrounding the definitions of what is good, what is success, and what is progress. Every mind has its own unique definition of these terms. Simple answers, such as achievement in academics, personal assets, standard of living and quality of life are the common responses, and are not, superficially, controversial.

Nonetheless, when examined on a more micro level, ensuring that all humans reach testing benchmarks can eventually weigh down the potential that society can reach because of unequal resource allocation at the beginning, engendering a lack of resources thereafter.


A just environment does not assume the same means or the same ends for each human. Governing around the value of individuals pursuing their own goals by ensuring that all are given the same amount of preparedness, they set out in their own directions to achieve at their own discretion.

Improvements to “gender equality”, “race equality” and the like, are seeing little to no actual reforms. The human mind in society today is clouded by a warped perception, defined and ingrained depending on environment, upbringing and experiences in life.

Having said that, justice cannot be used to administer the goings-on in society. The why is obvious enough. Justice is determined by one or a group of people, humans, imperfect humans. Regrettably, personal bias is involved and complete objectivity is humanly impossible. An arbitrary body with zero prior commitments, not swayed by whimsical or caprice…that’s a tough nut to crack.

The Unsolved Issue

Proving such bigotry or bias as a function of a crime committed or a discrimination is amazingly arduous. In the virtue of this, referencing past cases in law suits, the jury system, locating witnesses AND demonstrating semblance with specific targets has arisen.

Oversight Of Policy Makers

Failure to consider the individual aspects on equality, equity and justice incite plenteous problems, one after another. Rousing overlapping concerns is then seen as discriminatory and a upheaval ensues.


What exactly is human rights? Unknown.

People make a big fuss about a concept they are unable to fully grasp, for the sole reason; others are placed at an advantage, not so much that they are put in a disadvantageous position. No human wants to be at the lower end. It’s a flaw of the human mind, negativity is the name of the game.

Can fairness, equality, equity and justice be achieved simultaneously? Unknown.

