Creating a reticle in Unity

Josh Watts
Nov 23, 2021


The first thing I did was to download a target reticle package from filebase, a a sort of asset store where you can download various props.

We want our crosshair to be dead center so to do that we can make a new UI image and drag our cross hair image into it. After that we can center it by 0 out the position of the image. Lastly we can reduce the width and height to about 64.

With this done lets look at the result.

Here we need to clamp our range of movement of our camera on the x axis. Right now we can shoot ourselves in the head if we want to! So lets clamp it.

This will clamp the movement of our camera rotation on the x axis to a value of 13 to 21.



Josh Watts

Hello I am an aspiring game developer learning to develop great games. Right now I am going through a program with GameDevHQ. My favorite game is Half-Life.