Why Virtual Cameras are Amazing

Josh Watts
2 min readFeb 25, 2022


Virtual cameras are placeholder cameras that your main camera will adhere to when certain logic is met. It is important to understand the virtual camera as all the other Cinemachine cameras are virtual cameras just with additional options.

Rather than have to worry about adjusting the main camera constantly we just have to worry about adjusting the virtual cameras. The nice thing about virtual cameras is that you can have a bunch of them in your scene. They can be switched via the priority given, the higher the number on the camera, than that camera will be selected. If the number is the same across the cameras than the selection will be random. Hitting solo is another way of selecting the camera you are looking at.

Even without code you can easily get the virtual camera to follow the object you want followed by just dragging it into the relevant slots.

In the lens part of the virtual camera we can change the field of view of the camera.

Last thing we will show today about what makes virtual cameras so neat is the Dutch option. By changing we can introduce dread with our camera, or just show our character is drunk.



Josh Watts

Hello I am an aspiring game developer learning to develop great games. Right now I am going through a program with GameDevHQ. My favorite game is Half-Life.