I’m New Here. Will I Fit In? Letter to My Future Self

Josia P.
3 min readSep 25, 2022


I hope this letter finds you well.

Photo By: os.me

Dear Josia P.,

Hey there! I’m writing this to you from the present, as I sit here in my bedroom, feeling a little bit lost and uncertain about what the future holds. It’s funny how life can take these unexpected twists and turns — one minute, you’re on top of the world, and the next, you’re not quite sure which way is up.

I’m writing to you from my current state of mind. Being new here on Medium.com, I’m feeling anxious about whether I’ll fit in here — will my writing be good enough? Will people like it? It can be challenging when you’re new to something and don’t know where you stand. I don’t know if things will get better or worse from here on out. But that’s the thing about life — it’s full of uncertainties. We never know what will happen next, no matter how hard we try to plan for it.

And that’s okay! Because you’ve got this, future self. You’re strong and capable and can handle anything that comes your way. So don’t worry about fitting in — just be yourself and let the chips fall where they may. That’s why I wanted to take a moment and encourage myself with some advice based on what I know now:

First of all, don’t worry so much! The important thing is to write from the heart and share your stories and ideas honestly. People will appreciate that more than anything else. Secondly, practice makes perfect! So keep writing, and keep refining your craft. You’ll get better over time, I promise.

Finally, be yourself — everyone else is taken! Seriously though, be authentic and genuine in your writing, and you’ll attract like-minded people who will appreciate you for who you are.

So those are my thoughts for now — just remember that you’re not alone in this journey and that the best is yet to come. Take care of yourself, stay creative, and above all, have fun!

All my love,

Your younger self.



Josia P.

I'm a Freelance SEO Copywriter with a passion for writing that engages & educates the reader. If you'd like to hire me, please: connectwithus254@gmail.com.