The Old Age Question: Is Hell Real?

Josia P.
3 min readNov 1, 2022


When people die, we often wonder what happens next. Some believe in Heaven, and Hell, while others believe in reincarnation. But what about those who don’t believe in anything? What happens to them when they die?

When we think of Hell, we often imagine a place of eternal torment and suffering. Nobody knows for sure, but some say Hell is a reflection of us that we create in our minds to cope with the unknown.

As humans, we’re naturally curious creatures. We love to dissect and analyze everything, so it’s no surprise that our minds would go to work trying to figure out what Hell might be like.

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Not forgetting our sense of justice. We like to believe that there is a right and wrong way to live our lives and that those who do wrong will eventually be punished. So, it’s only natural that we would create a place like Hell where sinners are supposedly sent to suffer for their crimes.

We are a judgmental species. We judge each other every day without even realizing it. Take, for example, the woman who was always late for work. Her co-workers would constantly gossip about her behind her back, and she knew it. They thought she was lazy and irresponsible. But the truth was, she had two young children at home and sometimes struggled to get out of bed on time.

Or the man who always smoked cigarettes outside the office building. He knew that his boss disapproved of smoking, but he didn’t care. He needed cigarettes to help him relax during his lunch break.

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We all have our own quirks and flaws that make us unique. But sometimes, we’re too quick to judge others based on their appearances or actions. We forget that we’re not perfect, either.

And what if there was no such thing as Hell? Is it something that exists outside of ourselves, or is it just inside our minds? What if all of this talk about sin and punishment was nothing more than a figment of our imaginations? Would that alter our way of life in any way?

That’s definitely something worth thinking about!



Josia P.

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