3 Signs Angels Are Protecting You

Josie Grouse
3 min readJul 22, 2022


Angels are the messengers of God. Whatever God means to you.

The name of each Angel is not really a name. It’s a job description. It’s some action that God performs in the world. For instance, Raphael means “God Heals”. Gabriel means “God is Strong”; Uriel “God is Light.”

Angels are invisible Guardians of the Galaxies in our dimension and beyond. Without Angels, life as we know it would cease to exist. They look after us like responsible big brothers and sisters, ensuring we don’t destroy each other and the Planet.

It’s not an easy job.

Human beings, left to their own devices, would have disappeared like dinosaurs a long time ago. But Higher Wisdom and Superior intelligence watches over us, guides us, and protects us.

We owe our lives to Angels. Thank you!

3 Signs that Angels are protecting you:

  1. A shift in perception. Angels will help you to see your difficult situation from a different perspective. Recently a dear friend of mine, who loves Angels, decided to immigrate to another country. He was unhappy with the politics and the government of this current country. All he thought of was the future of doom and gloom. So he found a community in South America and planned the move as soon as possible. Then, one day, he realized he was running away from fear rather than marching toward greater happiness.

There is a big difference. Running away from fear will only attract more fear. What you resist persists.

Marching towards greater happiness comes from a state of well-being and gratitude. My friend focused on gratitude for the life he had (in the richest country in the world). He felt much happier and stopped paying attention to politics and complaining about problems. He was now moving to another country for an adventure rather than an escape. That’s a promise of a better future.

Angels can help you change your attitude and make the right decision when you need it.

2. Delays. Angels will help you to avoid dangerous situations by causing delays and obstacles. For example, you could be pulled over for speeding on the way to an important meeting. Or your internet stops working when you are about to say something you’d regret. Ultimately, you don’t know what you are being protected from until later. Looking back, you are always grateful for these delays.

3. Symbols and synchronicities. If you see many stop or warning signs, red lights, or dead ends, pay attention. Don’t worry the next time you see a Stop sign! If you repeatedly see an unusual number of these signs that you can’t ignore, ask, “Angels, what does it mean? What do I need to STOP doing? Usually, it could be something like stop worrying about the problem or stop suffering. It’s a sign of unconditional support.

Remember, Angels can not interfere with your free will. You can still disregard all these signs and stay in a negative mindset. Angels are not going to chase or force you into anything. If you ignore the signs, they will get louder and then stop.

When you pay attention, you will discover the amazing network of spiritual support called the Angels.



Josie Grouse

When people ask me what I do for a living, I reply in 5 words “I talk to dead people.” I am a medium. A spirit medium that channels messages from the other side