5 Soul Contracts You Made Before This Incarnation

Josie Grouse
3 min readJul 5, 2022


When a soul takes on its Earthly mission, it has already made prior agreements with other souls. These agreements include your parents, family, friends, neighbours, significant others, and even strangers. They will show up in your life at the right place and time, no doubt about it!

On the soul level, all relationships are assignments. There is work to do between two or more people. But, of course, it’s all a part of the creative game of life. The whole point of the incarnation is to participate in a human experience, which includes partnerships and the procreation of species.
So, the agreements help up to fulfill our purpose on Earth. Without the help of other souls, incarnation won’t be possible.

There are five essential soul contracts that all souls living on our planet have made.

  1. Your biological parents. The people who helped create your physical body have agreed to do so.
    If you are adopted, your birth parents had only one original contract with you. They didn’t have to raise you.

2. Allies. Your supportive relationships. People who help you, care for you, and positively empower you. For example, if you have loving biological parents who did a great job raising you, you have two contracts with them: Parents and Allies.
Your friends, business partners, colleagues, husband/wife, children, etc.

3. Challenges. Your challenging relationships. They are here to fast-track your growth and work out some karmic past. Your parent could be a challenge, your angry boss is a challenge, a bully or an abuser is a challenge, a spouse who cheats on you, and a friend who gossips about you is a challenge. These souls have a higher degree of responsibility for the challenge contracts. Learn and grow from these challenges; that’s why you have made these contracts in the first place.

4. Random encounters are the soulmates you’ve known before, but they don’t play an active role in your current circumstance. You have previously agreed that one day you would meet for a brief moment and have a transformative experience. A stranger in the bookstore suggests you buy a life-changing book. A helpful person appears out of nowhere at the scene of an accident and saves your life.
Unlike other contracts, you don’t have a relationship with them. They come, and they go.

5. Teachers, Guides, and Role Models. It could be a guru, a spiritual teacher, an author, or a national or religious leader. For example, if you are drawn to the teachings of Jesus, you have chosen a path of Christianity. Or you can be deeply inspired by the wisdom of Lau Tsu or Buddha.

You may love all things science and learn from great scientific minds.
We choose our mentors before incarnation. They help to shape our consciousness in a meaningful way.

More on Soul Contracts here:



Josie Grouse

When people ask me what I do for a living, I reply in 5 words “I talk to dead people.” I am a medium. A spirit medium that channels messages from the other side