Diet research

Josiane Cardoso Silva
3 min readOct 4, 2023


How I used UX Research to [understand dieters’ struggles with quantitative research]

This article is complementary to the EasyDiet case

Why did I do the research?

To understand the problem I asked a simple question.

I wasn’t sure if people followed a specific diet, if they consulted a nutritionist, if they knew what to eat for pre-workout and if they knew how to do gym exercises.

So, I mapped the user profile through the proto-persona and journey, seeking to understand the profile of the public who has difficulty or wants to go on a diet.

  • Carry out quantitative and qualitative research ( to really find out the problems people face).
  • Have a high fidelity prototype.

How to ensure that the persona matches real users?

I will explain further.

I then did the user jorney.

After that, I went looking for the answer to that question:

How to ensure that personas match users who are on a diet but have difficulty following it?

The research

At beginning of the project, I was focused on people who go to the gym and their problems, but after the quantitative research, I realized that my users were others.

That’s why I didn’t write some questions here so as not to confuse readers.

I did the research to better understand the gym user who diets or wants to diet and to validate or invalidate assumptions I already had.

  • I believe that people know how to do gym exercises.
  • I believe that people know what to eat pre-workout.
  • I believe people can’t follow diets correctly.

I then created the questions on the form, each aligned with an assumption.

I was careful not to ask too personal questions or offend them, as it was a personal matter that involved their bodies and images.

This made it possible to better understand user behavior.

Quantitative research

I took the questionaire and based on the answers I validated the assumptions.

How old are you?

  • 15 to 25 years
  • 25 to 35 years
  • 35 to 45 years
  • 45 to 55 years
  • 55 years or older

What assumption do we want to validate with this question:

Most people who go to the gym are between 25 and 35 years old.

Do you have children?

  • Yes
  • No
  • What assumption do we want to validate with this question:

Most people who go to the gym do not have children.

Do you know what to eat before going to the gym?

  • Yes
  • No

What assumption do we want to validate with this question:

Most people know what to eat pre-workout.

Do you follow any specific diet?

  • Yes
  • No

What assumption do we want to validate with this question:

Most people follow a diet.

Are you under the supervision of a nutritionist?

  • Yes
  • No

What assumption do we want to validate with this question:

Most people do’nt see a nutritionist.

The next step

After the research, I validate the assumptions and learned my lessons.

The finishing touch

Based on the responses, I learned and reviewed and changed the persona and jorney.



Josiane Cardoso Silva

UX/UI Design UX/UI Volunteer Work @Pipoca Ágil FrontEnd student @Curso em vídeo If you need a UX/UI Designer send me an email: