Boris Joskic"Angular requires rewriting the entire backend"Well, when you drastically change technologies, then yes.Sep 1, 2021Sep 1, 2021
Boris JoskicAngular custom elements — introductionIn a land of framework wars, one thing that could help us are web components. Creating components and being able to use them in any…Mar 16, 2020Mar 16, 2020
Boris JoskicinJSGuruImprove Your Ionic App PerformanceIonic allows developers to build mobile applications using web technologies and allows access to native features such as file storage…Feb 8, 2019Feb 8, 2019
Boris JoskicLazy loading modules with WebpackWebpack is a great tool and it’s really great to know at least basics of it. If we are working with Angular CLI, or Create React App, we…Jan 9, 2019Jan 9, 2019
Boris JoskicPublished my first NPM package that actually does somethingI was playing a bit with some personal project, and found myself having to add a simple loader. Nothing complicated, but I just wanted to…Jun 19, 2018Jun 19, 2018
Boris JoskicinJSGuruTop 10 reasons to upgrade your Angular ApplicationAngular is a popular JavaScript framework, used to create web, desktop and mobile applications. It is built and maintained by Google.May 3, 2018May 3, 2018