Wk 7 — Art Activity — Collabor-8

Joslyn Kwon
6 min readOct 12, 2020


Tim Ko — https://medium.com/@kotim2001

Sophie Stalenhoef — https://medium.com/@sophie.stalenhoef2002

Sarah Grunseich — https://medium.com/@sarahgrunseich

Waking up to a beautiful day was kyle’s favorite thing to do. He was the kind of guy that always made lemonade when life gave him lemons. Every day was a new adventure for him being that he lived alone with his dog, named prima.

Their adventures together were always new. Every day held different outcomes, meaning there was no set routine. Since today was a beautiful day, prima looked up at kyle and whimpered until he decided that today, they would go out and explore. Exploring was one of prima’s favorite things to do because she hates being home alone. “Prima I know it’s a beautiful day but I just woke up,” Kyle said as she continued to rub against him. “Okay okay prima let's go.” He finally gave in and decided and started to ready.

Prima followed kyle as he walked towards his closet. “What should I wear today?” he spoke as he noticed that there wasn’t much colored clothing available. On a bright day like this, he preferred to wear white. Life gave Kyle this curveball and he decided to go thrifting! Prima loved to go to the stores with kyle especially because of all of the attention she gets.

Kyle put prima in a dog satchel so she could rest on his chest as he walked around. Once they were at the goodwill, kyle asked “Prima which shirt is should I get?” he asked as he pulled out his wallet. Knowing he only had $20, he decided to pick a simple plain t-shirt.

As they continued to walk around goodwill, Kyle noticed this ball. It contained his favorite shade of blue and it was the perfect size for prima to play with as well. “Should I but this?” he contemplated as he clung onto his wallet. Prima looked up at him at that exact moment and he instantly knew he had too.

Happy with his purchase, he finally took prima home. At this point, Kyle’s stomach started to grumble. The continuous grumbling made him understand that he was hungry even though there was no food at his house. So, he did what he does best. Grabbed his guitar and headed out of the house.

Playing the guitar was Kyle’s specialty. Everyone around him knew he would be something big one day. However, that wasn’t his passion. He didn’t want to live life under the pressure of the people. He wanted to explore the world and produce his music his own way. This being said, he waked out of his house and went to the nearest park. He sat on the long bench, put out his tip jar, and began singing his emotions out. Eyes closed in his feels, Kyle didn’t even notice that by the end of his song there were a of people gathered around him in awe. He continued to sing and the jar continued to fill up.

“I did that!!” he shouted as he ran to the nearest plaza. Knowing that Kyle splurged at goodwill, he decided to buy food that wouldn’t cost too much. He walked into a Korean market and instantly spotted his favorite snack that would fill him up and still be cost efficient. The snack was dubbuki.

With pure excitement for his dubbuki, he was ready to dig in!! He left the market and began his walk back home. Swinging his food around in the bag, he walked past a well know boba shop named Tisane. He saw the interior from the outside of the store and fell in love. The led lights that srung different colors throughout the store gave a nostalgic feeling to him. The store was also playing music that was right up his alley. The genre of rnb and hiphop was his aesthetic. However he wasn’t thirsty, he was just hungry. Due to the fact that this boba shop didn’t have food, he decided to get a full cup of boba.

“Order for Kyle” said the worker, “here is you're cup of boba and have a great spooktober.” He was so happy with his purchase and for the lovely reminder that it was Halloween. Halloween is one of Kyle’s favorite holidays because being an artist himself, he admiries the creativity that comes with this holiday. As he continued his walk home, He reminised on the past halloweens he has spent with prima.

Excited that kyle was back home, prima began jumping around and wagging her tail like no other. “Hi prima!! Look what I got!” he said as he petted her head and sat at the table. Kyle then began to dig in. Mouth watering and everything “Omg it’s so good.” he stated as he took his first bite. After finishing his meal, kyle went to go write some more music. After a mass amount of time had passed, prima began to rub up against his leg. Kyle knew that meant prima wanted to go out. “Prima i’m a little busy right now, but go see what your pet pals are,” kyle stated.

Prima then went out to go see what his pet pals were doing. She first went to visit her best friend paco, an exotic kitten. Paco was chilling on his chair takng nap when prima came to him. “Lets play paco” prima said as she nudged herselve against him. However Paco was not in the mood, he hissed and went back to bed. After Paco, prima wen to visit marley, one of her bigger pet pals. Marley like paco was asleep, but marley didn’t even wake up as prima nudged her. Saddened by what happened, prima went back to kyle and laid down. “Prima what;s wrong?? your pet pals don’t wanna play??” prima looked up at kyle and at that moment he knew. “Come on Prima, let’s go play.” he stated.

