How climbing changed the way I see life.

Jos Montes
2 min readDec 6, 2021


Climbing in Peña de Bernal, Queretaro, Mx.

I’ve been rock climbing for almost 2 years now. But until recently, I only saw it as an excercise. I used to go every day to the gym, lift a lot, get some cardio and call it a day, but I started to get bored, it was the same thing every day. Yeah, you can change the excercises and everything, but let’s face it, it’s always the same.

Then, a friend of mine opened a climbing gym in a nearby town. I started going on saturdays to help him and just pass the time, but I started to like this sport, after 4 saturdays, I decided to join a climbing gym in my city and fully commit.

It was awesome for the first months, but eventually the old gymrat mindset striked in, and I was back to just excercising. After almost a year or so of being stuck back into a routine, I realized that excercising and practicing a sport are two very different things.

At this moment, i’d been climbing for a while but had never been to a crag before, only to the gym! And when I finally went rock climbing outdoors, something in my brain snapped. It was as if during my whole life I never had a real goal in any sport. Now, I could only think on how to improve my climbing.

1 year later, I feel like a completely different person. I lost almost 10 kilos to get leaner, lighter and more flexible. I stopped partying too much on the weekends because I have to get up early to go climbing. And I’ve met a whole new world of interesting and crazy people.

I really feel like climbing is the perfect sport to break out of a routine and add more adventure into your life. And if you ever feel like life is always the same, do yourself a favor and try it for yourself.


