Exploring Ethereum Layer 2 Solutions: A Comparative Analysis of zkSync and Scroll

Jossif Elefteriadis
3 min readJan 2, 2024


As the Ethereum ecosystem continues to evolve, Layer 2 scaling solutions have become a crucial component in addressing the network’s scalability challenges. In this blog post, we will delve into a comparative analysis of two prominent Layer 2 solutions: zkSync and Scroll. Both aim to enhance transaction throughput and reduce costs on the Ethereum blockchain. We will explore the key features, advantages, and potential use cases of each solution, shedding light on their unique approaches to scaling Ethereum.

zkSync: Scaling with Zero Knowledge Rollups

zkSync is a Layer 2 scaling solution utilizing Zero Knowledge Rollups (ZK-Rollups) to significantly enhance Ethereum’s transaction throughput. ZK-Rollups work by aggregating multiple transactions into a single proof, which is then posted to the Ethereum blockchain. This method allows zkSync to process thousands of transactions per second, offloading the computational burden from the main Ethereum network. The key to ZK-Rollups is zero-knowledge proofs, which enable the validation of transactions without revealing their contents, thereby maintaining privacy and security.

Key features and benefits of zkSync include:

  • Enhanced Scalability: zkSync’s ability to bundle many transactions into a single proof drastically increases scalability compared to Ethereum’s mainnet.
  • Low Fees: Aggregating transactions reduces the overall gas fees, making Ethereum more cost-effective for users.
  • Finality: While not instantaneous, zkSync’s finality is significantly faster than Ethereum’s mainnet, offering near-instant confirmation of transactions.

Use Cases: zkSync is particularly well-suited for high-volume, low-value transactions, such as microtransactions and frequent, small trades. Its efficiency makes it ideal for DeFi applications and NFT marketplaces with a high transaction throughput.

Scroll: Advanced zk-Rollup Technology

Scroll, contrary to the previous mention, is not an Optimistic Rollup solution but a Layer 2 scaling solution utilizing advanced zk-Rollup technology. Like zkSync, Scroll also aggregates multiple transactions into a single transaction but focuses heavily on optimizing data availability. This ensures that all the data required to reconstruct the state of the rollup is available on-chain, providing enhanced security and robustness.

Key aspects of Scroll include:

  • Data Availability: Scroll’s emphasis on data availability ensures that all necessary information is accessible for verifying the state of the rollup, enhancing the integrity and resilience of the network.
  • Zero-Knowledge Proofs: Scroll leverages zero-knowledge proofs to validate transactions in a privacy-preserving manner, similar to zkSync, but with its unique implementation tailored to its specific scalability and security goals.

Use Cases: Scroll’s approach is beneficial for applications that require high data availability and integrity, such as complex financial applications, enterprise-level use cases, and sectors where transparency and auditability are crucial.

Bridge into zkSync

On the official website of zkSync, under explore you’ll find different dApps you can use in their ecosystem for bridging, swapping, etc. They recommend txSync for bridging tokens into their ecosystem.

Bridge into Scroll

On the official website of Scroll, under ecosystem you’ll find different dApps you can use in their ecosystem for wallet, bridging, swapping, etc. They recommend their official bridge for bridging tokens into their ecosystem.


In the fast-paced world of Ethereum and Web3, Layer 2 scaling solutions like zkSync and Scroll are pivotal in enhancing scalability, reducing costs, and improving user experiences. zkSync, employing Zero Knowledge Rollups, excels in providing high transaction throughput, while Scroll, also leveraging zk-Rollups, emphasizes data availability and integrity. The choice between these solutions depends on specific project requirements, use cases, and priorities. Whether it’s for high-volume transaction processing or for applications requiring robust data availability, each solution offers unique advantages. By adopting Layer 2 solutions, developers and users can fully leverage the Ethereum ecosystem’s capabilities, propelling the growth and innovation in Web3.

