12 Must-Knows for Beginner .NET Developers

José Sousa
4 min readJul 21, 2023



Beginning a career as a .NET developer is both thrilling and challenging, particularly for recent university graduates. Having walked that path myself, I vividly recall the mixed emotions I experienced when entering the professional world. It was only after I transitioned to Farfetch that I realized my previous company hadn’t fully implemented these essential practices, leaving me with a knowledge gap in crucial technical aspects of software engineering.

If I had the chance to turn back time, this list of crucial practices is what I would focus on mastering first. That’s precisely why I’m writing this guide — to share my experiences and insights, as I once stood in your shoes. My hope is that this guide will serve as a valuable resource, enabling you to progress more rapidly in your career. Whether you’re a recent graduate or someone looking to level up in .NET development, this compilation of must-knows is designed to equip you for success.

1. C#

C# is the primary programming language for .NET development. As a beginner, understanding the fundamentals of C# is crucial. Familiarize yourself with object-oriented programming concepts, data types, control flow, and common syntax. Invest time in learning the language’s features, such as LINQ, async/await, and generics, as they will greatly enhance your development skills.

2. GIT

Version control is essential for collaborating on projects and keeping track of changes. GIT is a widely used distributed version control system. Learn the basic GIT commands, such as committing, branching, merging, rebasing, squashing and resolving conflicts. Understanding GIT workflows will help you effectively manage code repositories and work effectively in a team.


SOLID is a set of principles that promote modular, maintainable, and extensible code. Each letter in SOLID stands for a specific principle: Single Responsibility, Open/Closed, Liskov Substitution, Interface Segregation, and Dependency Inversion. These principles guide developers to write clean and loosely coupled code, making it easier to maintain and modify in the future.

4. Dependency Injection

Dependency Injection (DI) is a design pattern that facilitates loose coupling and promotes code reusability. Understanding DI frameworks and implementing DI in your projects will help you decouple dependencies and improve testability. Popular DI frameworks in the .NET ecosystem include Autofac, Ninject, and Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.

5. ORM

Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) frameworks, such as Entity Framework (EF), simplify database interactions in .NET applications. Learn how to use EF to map database tables to object models, perform CRUD operations, and handle relationships. Gain knowledge of querying techniques and optimizing database performance using EF.

6. Relational Databases

Relational databases are a cornerstone of many enterprise applications. Understand the basics of SQL (Structured Query Language) and relational database concepts like tables, relationships, indexes, and transactions. Familiarize yourself with common database management systems (DBMS) like Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, or PostgreSQL.

7. NoSQL Databases

NoSQL databases provide flexible data storage options for modern applications. MongoDB is a popular document-oriented NoSQL database. Learn the basics of MongoDB, including document modeling, querying, indexing, and data aggregation. Understanding when and how to leverage NoSQL databases will broaden your database skills.

8. Caching

Caching is crucial for improving application performance. Familiarize yourself with caching mechanisms, such as in-memory caching, distributed caching, and caching frameworks like Redis. Learn how to cache frequently accessed data and manage cache invalidation to ensure consistency.

9. Logging Frameworks

Logging is essential for monitoring and troubleshooting applications. Serilog is a flexible logging framework for .NET that allows structured logging with customizable sinks. Learn how to configure Serilog to log events, exceptions, and performance metrics. Proper logging helps in debugging and understanding the application’s behavior.

10. API Client & Communications

.NET developers often work with APIs to integrate external services or build microservices-based architectures. Understand REST (Representational State Transfer) principles and learn how to consume and communicate with RESTful APIs using HttpClient. Master techniques like authentication, error handling, and serialization/deserialization of API data.

11. Design Patterns

Design patterns provide reusable solutions to common software design problems. Familiarize yourself with popular design patterns like Singleton, Factory, Repository, and Observer. Understanding design patterns will help you architect scalable and maintainable applications.

12. Testing

Testing is an integral part of software development. Learn how to write unit tests and integration tests using frameworks like NUnit or xUnit. Gain knowledge of test-driven development (TDD) principles to write testable and robust code. Automating tests ensures the quality and reliability of your software.

Closing Thoughts

I sincerely hope this guide proves invaluable to all aspiring .NET developers out there. Based on my own experiences, I am confident that mastering these 12 essential concepts will position you well ahead of many junior and even mid-level software engineers. Embracing these practices will undoubtedly set you on a path to success in your career.

To the seasoned developers reading this, I welcome your valuable input and feedback on whether you concur or diverge with this list. Your insights can only enrich and enhance the knowledge shared here.

May these fundamental principles empower you to reach new heights as you progress in the world of .NET development. Happy coding!

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