Unhealthy Substances Call for Proper Insurance

Josue Keeney
3 min readFeb 11, 2019


American culture is surrounded by plenty of unhealthy things. From binging TV to fast food restaurants always being less than 5 minutes away from your home, it’s all a very telling story that explains obesity’s rampant spread across the States.

Perhaps one of the more dangerous and unhealthy things that has spread into American culture, though, is alcohol. Often lauded for it’s “fun” attributes and advertised as the best way to have a good time, alcohol has not only invaded and compromised the health of Americans’ bodies for the past century; it’s also gained a strong grip on their minds.

Because alcohol has a tendency to cause people to gain a dependence on it, it’s more than just something that can cause the body to break down over time (specifically the liver). Mental, emotional, and social health are all also at play in the discussion of alcohol’s effects on people.

The problem is, this is a rarely talked about issue. Instead, alcohol is talked up and begins affecting Americans by the time they hit high school. And despite that age being 7 years before the legal age of consumption, people are pressured into drinking it lest they be seen as uncool or “weird.”

And so, an entire culture develops around the substance. But because of its legality, everything is “alright” and is on the person to handle. It’s not the substance or the way we think about its effects. No, it’s all on the person to deal with and control.

These are some of the most dangerous ways of thinking about substances and a huge reason people write off psychedelic substances as harmful or bad. It all boils down to the legality with these two different drugs: alcohol and tobacco are legal, so they’re fine to consume; but LSD, psilocybin, and marijuana are illegal, so they’re bad for you.

It’s a shame that this is how they’re regarded, and this propaganda is quite honestly predatory in nature. Rather than highlight the positive effects of each (in which the latter category has far more), people denounce psychoactive substances and the likes of marijuana. And that’s all because “the government said so.”

Well, here’s a newsflash for everyone who so blindly buys into this sort of thinking: you better have life insurance. Because alcohol and tobacco are much more likely to kill you earlier than your time than the aforementioned illegal substances. So if you’re not currently in possession of a life insurance policy that can protect your family and dependents from financial hardship in the event of your death, you should get to shopping around. Because those legal substances that everyone finds “normal” are a lot more harmful than they’re touted as being.

