Do Your Future Self a Favor and Build Yourself an Audience

It’s easier than you think

Kenzie Kuo
6 min readMar 24, 2020
Photo by William Moreland on Unsplash

If you’re not creating content, chances are you’re consuming it.

How do I know this?

Um, you’re literally doing it right now — something yours truly created.

First off I want to thank you for doing that, and second…

Today is YOUR lucky day because today I’m going to share with you the secrets of building [insert drum roll here]…

…your very own audience!

But first… let's just clear the air and get one thing straight.

If you’re like a lot of other people, you might be thinking of content creators as these magical mystical beasts that came out of their mothers’ wombs as unicorns that fart fairy dust as they fly through the air.

This is about as true as the world is flat.

I bet you five bucks that you are… you just don’t know it.

[YOU]: “Who, me?”

A content creator?


Think again.

If you’ve ever made a comment or post on Facebook or tweet — then you ARE a bonafide content creator.

