Want to Increase Your Productivity? Do This to Get a Dopamine Hit Every Single Morning

How to trick your brain into getting more done

Kenzie Kuo
3 min readOct 17, 2019
Image from https://www.pexels.com/@pixabay

Its 6 am.

You’re done with your morning routine.

Faint wafts of your freshly brewed cup of coffee hit your nostrils. You take a sip, ready to dive head-first into that challenging project you’ve been working on.

Hold on. Not so fast.

If our muse isn’t with us, and the stars aren’t aligned, we might not have anything to show after 1 hour… 2 hours… and then we start to feel crappy about it.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Want a simple little trick to make sure to start your workday off right? While we can’t guarantee that our muse will show up every single morning, doing this one thing will absolutely make you feel more productive at the end of every day of every week:

Do a simple little quick, mundane task.

That’s it.

Francesca Gino at Harvard Business School and Bradley Staats at UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School did a study of 500 participants and found that those who completed a handful of small, quick mundane tasks before getting to the more challenging projects felt more motivated, and…

