Why should you watch F.R.I.E.N.D.S series?

Jothi Ganesh
3 min readSep 25, 2018


I was not into English series at all until I saw my colleagues playing a quiz based on a series. The questions were from “Friends”, with questions like, “What is Ross’ son name?” Ben!

I realized that my colleagues were thoroughly engrossed in the show, since they could answer questions this detailed. Then I thought, “why don’t I watch it as well?” I saw the first episode but couldn’t connect myself. So I stopped watching. When I was traveling to Myanmar, I wanted to kill some time at the airport, so I started watching the second episode and continued.

By this time, I was totally into it. I watched the whole season twice. But what’s so special about Friends that makes it hook everyone?

Is it the “I’ll be there for you, song?”, which I don’t skip every episode?

Is it Joey’s love for food?

Is it Chandler’s sarcastic lines?

Is it Rachel’s style?

Is it Phoebe’s smelly cat song?

Is it Ross’ gestures?


Is it Monica’s food?

Maybe it’s all of this, but most importantly, it’s the connection it makes with you. Everyone needs a Friend who says “I’ll be there for you” and means it. Everyone needs someone with whom we could be ourselves without any masks. This show gives you an opportunity to imagine and live that life with your friends.

When I watched it for the first time, it was fun, laughter, friendship, and romance. But the second time I started internalizing and found the reason why people watch this again and again….

There are so many reasons, but I’m going to limit the list for this particular blog. Maybe I’ll write a series blog later :D


Your background doesn’t matter for being friends

Friendship doesn’t happen with checking out someone’s background. It’s the instant connection and trust that’s built over time. In this series, each one is from a different background, Monica is a chef, Ross a paleontologist, Chandler has a job in data processing (but according to Rachel a transponster), and Phoebe once mugged Ross and later a masseuse/musician, Joey is a (struggling) actor. All of them stood by each other.

Phoebe's running style

Be yourself! Be Happy!

Everyone in this series does what they like to do, and more importantly, how they want to do it. Though it’s weird/different, they don’t care. Sort of like how Phoebe likes to run.

Follow your Passion — Each of them did what they love doing. Their passion is their work as well. Ross is a lover of History and paleontologist. Monica loves to cook and be a host, and works as a chef. Chandler changed his job after so many years to advertising that he loved to do, started all over as an intern in his 30’s. This goes for everyone else as well. But following one’s passion is not easy…

Joey as Dr. Drake Ramoray on screen

Sometimes the path is rocky

Rachel worked as a waitress before she could start working in a clothing firm. Joey loves acting, but he had to go through a lot of hurdles before he could get the right role( Dr. Drake Ramoray).

If it is meant to be, It will. — Ross and Rachel were meant to be together. Even after breakups, marrying and divorcing, they were meant to be together. As Phoebe says, He’s her lobster. And Destiny is something that I believe in.

So, tell me. Do you relate with F.R.I.E.N.D.S ?

