Engineering: Computer Science: What is in it? Is it good to choose as your career?

Jothi Basu
4 min readOct 23, 2018


Starting with the source of all knowledge, I look to how Wikipedia defines engineering:

Engineering is the application of scientific, economic, social, and practical knowledge, in order to design, build, and maintain structures, machines, devices, systems, materials, and processes. It may encompass using insights to conceive, model and scale an appropriate solution to a problem or objective. The discipline of engineering is extremely broad and encompasses a range of more specialized fields of engineering, each with a more specific emphasis on particular areas of technology and types of application.

But I’ll define engineers in a word — “GOD”

As you can take anything as an example around us, it was made by an engineer (either present or in ancient periods). Some people believe GOD is ruling the world, I’m also a member of it (But in the perspective of Engineering and Science).

So, I hope engineering is one of the best career choices.

But why it was computer science?

Computers are everywhere.

We use mobile phones, TVs, and cars that include large amounts of software, almost everyone has a computer in their home and virtually everyone under 30 plays computer games. These systems all rely on advanced computer science.

Nowadays, mobile phone plays a major and important role in everyone’s and everyday’s life.

So, the simple answer for ‘why computer science is?’ surviving and to survive (either may be a job or as your career).

Apart from hardware resources, computer science engineers are being a major part of the development. You can also be a part of it if you choose computer science engineering ( As per the corporate needs )

Trust me, you would learn a lot! It also depends on the curriculum being followed in your university/college.

When I did my bachelors, it all started with Fundamentals of Programming. You would learn a variety of programming languages. Over the period of my course, I was trained in C, C++, Java, SQL, HTML, CSS and JS.

I also learned about Data Structures, Design & Analysis of Algorithms, Object Oriented Programming, Operating Systems, Database Management Systems, Computer Networks, Computer Architecture, Compiler Design, Theory of Computation, Software Engineering, Object Oriented System Design, Artificial Intelligence, Grid and Cloud Computing.

Apart from these, you would also have to learn a lot of Mathematics as well. Probability & Queuing Theory, Numerical Methods, Discrete Mathematics etc., are the prominent ones.

If you are someone who is aspiring to take up a bachelors in CSE, then most of these would sound Greek and Latin to you, now. But most of these subjects are very interesting and easy to learn. You may google more about these subjects and what you learn in them.

Always remember, CS is best learned when you learn it by yourself. Your lecturers or professors can spoon feed you the concepts, but how you implement them in real time is upon you. Hands-on is the best way.

Major areas of Computer Science include:

1. Operating Systems — concerned with the development and structure of complex programs which facilitate man-machine communications.

2. Computational Science — the analysis of numerical methods for solving mathematical problems with a computer.

3. Programming Languages — the study of the design and properties of languages by which humans communicate with computers.

4. Architecture — the study and use of mathematical logic to design electronic circuits.

5. Intelligent Systems — concerned with means by which computers may perform tasks which might be characterized as “intelligent” if performed by humans.

6. Automata Theory — an abstract study of computers and their capabilities.

7. Information Storage and Retrieval — the study of methods for storing a vast amount of data in a computer and methods for searching and retrieving this data.

8. Software Engineering — the study of tools and techniques for software design, development, testing, and maintenance.

If you take interest in talking about creating Siri, creating Facebook, robots, and all these then choose computer science engineering!!

I can simply say Computer Science in one line is “ science behind computing”

This field is mathematical & logical. There is seriously no need for learning lengthy formulas or heavy derivations. If you can think & you are a problem solver please be my guest. Besides, there are new roads popping out every day like app development, Web design etc. With IOT things have gone to the next level. So yeah CS(Computer Science) is too damn interesting.

Computer Science Engineering is interesting if you are a creative problem solver who is not too efficiency at rout learning.

Hope this helps! Happy learning! :)

