AI Powered malware is on the rise, and it’s keeping cybersecurity professionals up at night!

A new report by CyberArk reveals some chilling stats

Journey of 1000 People
2 min readDec 29, 2023

AI-powered malware is on the rise, and it’s keeping cybersecurity professionals up at night!

A new report by CyberArk reveals some chilling stats.

Buckle up, friends, we’re in for a wild ride.

Because of economic cuts, geopolitical issues, cloud adoption, and hybrid working, we are becoming more vulnerable to identity-related compromises.

Shockingly, almost all organizations (99.9%) anticipate encountering such a compromise in the current year.

AI-enabled threats are a major concern.

93% of security pros expect such threats to hit their organization in 2023.

The biggest fear? AI-powered malware. Be afraid, be very afraid!

Employee turnover is another big issue 68% of organizations are bracing for cybersecurity problems caused by employee turnover in 2023.

It seems no one is safe from the cybersecurity crisis.

Businesses’ love for digital and cloud initiatives puts cybersecurity at greater risk. Organizations plan to deploy 68% more SaaS tools in the next year. But these can be gateways for attacks if not secured properly.

Ransomware attacks are also a huge problem. 89% of organizations were hit in the past year, with 60% having to make multiple payments to recover.

Even paying the ransom doesn’t guarantee safety.

The energy sector is particularly at risk. 67% of companies in this industry don’t believe they could stop or even detect an attack from their software supply chain.

Not a comforting thought at all.

Finally, 63% of respondents said that the highest-sensitivity employee access is not adequately secured.

It’s clear, we have a long way to go in securing our digital spaces.

Stay safe out there, folks!

That’s a wrap!

Hope you enjoyed it.

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Journey of 1000 People

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