Day #17: How I will build and ship multiple micro-products?

David, @journeypreneur
6 min readJan 9, 2023

I already talked in my previous posts that I’m looking to build micro products and ship them as fast as possible. Basically, using the basis of an MVP (Minimum Valuable Product) for all my new products. The goal is to test multiple niche markets with small costs and ship them fast, so, after I identify which markets work well, I will start to put more effort and focus on those ones.

Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

After I defined this plan, now I had to encounter what kind of products I can create to easily target multiple niche markets, sharing the development effort through the whole new micro-products that I will build.

Type of the products

So, one of the things I shared in my previous articles, was that I’m really enjoying writing this kind of blog content, sharing my ideas, my knowledge, and experience through the topics I enjoy reading and talking about. So, based on this premise, I decided that I will create multiple products where I can create my own content and progressively grow the audience.

So, the type of products I will create will have these characteristics:

  • Able to share articles, write and create new posts;
  • Register users;
  • Grow an engaged community;

