Day #4: How to promote your blog posts and how much traffic did I get?

David, @journeypreneur
5 min readNov 8, 2022


Yesterday I published day 3 of my solopreneur journey, where I talked about how to build multiple micro-startups. In this post, I will show you the results of the traffic I received and show you where I’ve promoted it.

The growth of David, @journeypreneur

@Journeypreneur Cover

So, as I said in my previous posts, I’m reporting daily (only the days I actively work on the projects, because I also need to rest 😄) the journey of my attempt to become a full-time entrepreneur. Since I’m at the beginning of this journey, I’m also learning on the way, so, don’t consider my posts as a masterclass on how to be a real entrepreneur, but mostly to share my learnings and failures while I’m progressing on this journey.

About my blog posts, currently, I’m actively writing on these social networks:

Where I promoted my blog posts?

There are the social networks that I consider my source of content, then I use other social networks to spread my content and try to bring some traffic to my main pages (the above ones).

For that, I shared my content on the next websites:

These are the places that I found that make more sense for me to publish my content. But, I’m not looking to spam any of these social networks, but only share my content. If there is something frustrating about writing blog posts is when we write them and nobody read them. It’s a great pleasure every time I receive a comment, a reaction, or someone reaches out to me to have a chat (it happened many times yesterday on Reddit).

How much traffic did I get yesterday?

So, let’s go now to the funny part, how did it go in terms of traffic yesterday?

I just share links to get traffic to my Medium posts and to Substack, so let’s check the results.

On Medium:

Medium traffic increase

Interesting, I just started a few days ago and clearly had some impact spreading the blog posts, 36 views, and 56% read ratio, which I consider really interesting for me.

Now, let’s check the effect it had on the traffic for the Substack post:

Traffic received to the Substack post

So, 319 views yesterday for the post on the Substack blog, a really great result compared to the previous days. Maybe you are asking why I received more traffic to Substack than to the Medium post, the explanation is that I shared the link to the Substack post in more places than to the post on Medium (where I just shared it on Reddit post).

Also, what I’m more proud of yesterday is the raise in terms of subscribers to the Substack newsletter, as you can see here, I just got my first 9 subscribers (thank you guys, you can’t imagine what that means to me 🙏 ).

Substack subscribers

And to finish the analysis, let’s check which are the main sources of traffic to the Substack post:

Substack source of traffic

So, it’s interesting to see that the main source was the Hackernews (YCombinator) but also some direct traffic, I really don’t know where exactly this came from.

So, for this Blog Post, I will just use the Medium link to spread this content, and let’s see how it goes this time with the whole traffic going to the Medium post.

Meanwhile, as promised, just wanted to give you an update on my current projects.

Yesterday I started the new webapp for the project

For now, it’s just the landing page, I’m already displaying some job offers, here's the update: new webapp

I’m trying to keep the same design as the Mobile versions (and the current webapp developed in Flutter: By the way, yesterday, thanks to the previous post, I also received some traffic on the, which was really great to see it happening.

For today

The plan is to progress in the development of the webapp, since the Wix subscription of the current landing page ends on the 19th of November and as I said, I don’t want to renew the subscription.

So, the goal of today is to develop the Job Details page and improve the performance of the landing page (it’s loading too much data at the beginning and that is not good for SEO).

That’s it for today, what do you think about my progress? Do you have any other suggestions on how to promote our blog posts or any other technic?

Have a good week everyone,

David, @journeypreneur

Follow me on: Twitter, Substack, IndieHackers, and Medium

