How to start a profitable micro-startup without quitting your job? [Day #12]

David, @journeypreneur
6 min readDec 7, 2022

For a solopreneur that wants to start their own products immediately and thinks that having a full-time job is just delaying their dreams. Keep calm, it’s possible to have both, building your dream while having a full-time/part-time job.

Don’t take a risky decision

As I already shared in my previous posts, I got laid off recently from a fintech company, and so I decided this was a great opportunity to start some online products to try to get financial independence. That’s why I’ve started writing these Medium posts and built small products such as and This was the best decision I could have made because I’m learning a lot about how to build products fast, focus on customer retention, and have a strategy for long-term growth.

Writing here on Medium helped me to start my businesses

These Medium posts also gave me a new passion, which is about making an impact on others with my ideas, opinions, and experiences. I receive every day's messages from new followers about how I inspired them with my articles, some also got laid off recently and my posts helped them to take action to start their own businesses. That is an amazing feeling, knowing that we are helping others. Also, this experience gave me a completely different perspective on the importance of creating a community or a group of followers. Because…

