Best organizing app of 2023

Caio Monteiro (Professor Caio)
2 min readDec 12, 2023


Looking for the best organizing app in 2023? If you’re drowning in overdue tasks or just need help managing your duties, it’s time to explore some apps that can help you organize your thoughts and put your ideas into action. With numerous options available, finding the right app can be challenging. Let’s compare two excellent online tools: Todoist and ClickUp. We’ll focus on user-friendliness and cross-connectivity to help you make an informed decision.

Todoist is a straightforward app that concentrates on essential features. While offering options for view changes, filtering, labeling, and folder organization, it excels in simplicity. Todoist relies on its efficient reading algorithm, allowing you to set dates, labels, and more through simple typing in a single line, reminiscent of old programming styles. With a user-friendly interface featuring minimal buttons and options, Todoist is ideal for personal use. Whether you’re a college student or have a demanding job, Todoist is a perfect fit. It also offers connectivity to Google Calendar and other platforms, along with a convenient smartphone app.

On the flip side, ClickUp is a more sophisticated app with a wealth of features and a highly flexible interface. Offering multiple abstraction levels, including spaces, lists, and folders, ClickUp provides meticulous organization options. This complexity comes with a variety of buttons and options throughout the screen, making it rather confusing at first. ClickUp shines in a corporate setting, especially for projects involving multiple people with different responsibilities. If your tasks are interdependent and require a high level of coordination, ClickUp is the optimal choice.

In summary, if you’re looking for a straightforward and user-friendly experience for personal use, Todoist is your best bet. On the other hand, if you’re dealing with complex projects and collaborative scenarios, where meticulous organization is crucial, ClickUp is the ideal choice.

