7 Excuses Software Developers Make

How to handle excuses and avoid making them as a programmer

Jovan Cicmil


Image Courtesy of Author

Fear of responsibility is part of human nature as much as fear of the dark. We software developers are no different.

I have made many excuses in my career, especially early on. Later on, I have heard many excuses from the standpoints of a colleague, team leader, and client.

Here are some of the most common programmer excuses along with a translation from dev-speak into human English and some thoughts on how to handle each situation.

I don’t have an eye for design

“I just have no feel for visual things, you know, which colors to put together. I think we need to hire a designer for this signup form.”

This excuse is made when:

The developer is assigned a task that requires a bit of visual thinking or creativity. This often happens if the team doesn’t have an in-house designer.

What it actually means:

The developer doesn’t want to leave the comfort zone that is his IDE. Lots of us, myself included, have tried to stay away from design matters.

How to react to it:

