Arvid Kahl: The Embedded Entrepreneur

A conversation with the best-selling author and one of the foremost authorities on bootstrapping businesses

Jovan Cicmil


Image Courtesy of Author

Arvid Kahl is a well-known name in the indie hacker community, as well as among startup founders, community builders, and entrepreneurial minds of all sorts.

Having one successful exit and two successful books under his belt, he has a lot to share about entrepreneurial success, communities, and products. He recently released his second book, The Embedded Entrepreneur.

He was kind enough to talk to me about his entrepreneurial journey, writing, and building. I guarantee you will find useful lessons in the conversation that ensued.

Note: this is not a sponsored story. There are no affiliate links and I have nothing to gain from this except the satisfaction of introducing you to the important concepts that made Arvid as successful as he is.


What is The Embedded Entrepreneur about?


It’s a book about finding the people you want to serve and empower, embedding yourself into their communities, discovering their critical problems, and then building a product with and for your future audience.

