Jovan Krstic
3 min readMay 5, 2016

The Invader in Your Walls

Mold, nature’s spice that adds a vibrant flavor and is a great topic amongst cheese connoisseurs. Under controlled conditions, mold is an excellent addition to French cuisine, and a welcomed experience when sampling foreign delicacies. However, everything in the world has a place to call it’s home, and mold should not be welcomed in ours!

Know Thy Enemy

Intelligence is a valuable resource when going to war, and so is the case here. Claiming your territory back from the clutches of various fungi is a daunting task and should not be taken lightly. To aid you in your upcoming battle, you must arm yourself well with tools, an effective strategy. The mold fungi can be of various types but each type is color coded. They can be in shades of grey and black to green and orange. A side note here, mold of orange color is often found in nature is less likely to appear in your home. The biggest problem is mold with shades of black as they can be identified as the notorious “stachybotrys atra”.

Identify Their Base of Operations

There are several reasons for mold to develop in our homes but all of them are connected to water ponds by leaky pipes, and dampness caused by low ventilated areas. Also, sudden changes in temperatures can cause water drop formations which in return help develop a fertile ground for mold to thrive. There are common telltale signs that can alert you that you have a mold invasion. Awareness and swift actions can be of help and will end up saving you a great deal of money and trouble, as mold is known to render even the strongest foundations brittle.
To add insult to injury, mold is also a health hazard. In prolonged exposures it’s known to cause skin rash, asthma, allergic reactions, and the treatment to undo the damages to your respiratory system which are often expensive and take a longer time period.

Enemy Spotted

If you have come across on a slight bulging in your previously straight and smooth wall, mold is afoot here as paint deteriorates in its presence . Other clues to its existence are wet spots, they are formed by water pushing through the bricks to the outer layer. Mold affected places have a distinct smell that defines them too, do not ignore this, because as of now you are a proud owner of a 100% suitable environment for mold to evolve. The last signs are fungi formations that violently spread on the afflicted part of your wall or ceiling. The mold does not stop, the infected area will only grow as the time progresses. A call to action is the only sure way to dispose of it!

Strike with Allied Forces

Waging a “one-man war” is a stressful effort, in this particular case a joint tasks is preferred. Fixing that leaky pipe, or oiling the door hinge is a no-brainer for anyone, but one should put their pride aside for this effort. Consult an expert, for they are better equipped for this fight. There is no shame in this. In fact, the choice you made by calling in a professional here is admirable. Mold is a persistent enemy and in early stages your victory is often premature for their roots run deep through your walls. You may have won on the surface, but on the inside, a Coup D’etat is brewing.

Be Wary of Rebel Cells

Take these notes from the experts into account so that you can call them to your aid. With their help you will prevail in this war. Do whatever it takes to get rid of it all, before it tries to get rid of you.