The Paradox of The Anti-Competitive Apple App Store

Shouldn’t Apple be able to set the rules of it’s own app store?

Jovan Medford
6 min readMay 31, 2019

The thing that makes a great company great is the presence of a perpetual hunger that never allows it to settle. It is constantly on the go for greater innovation to maintain the edge that secured that top spot and in doing so it is continually undergoing a process of reinvention and reimagination.

There isn’t a company that more clearly illustrates this hunger for greatness than those that make up GAFA.

As GAFA has shown us though, sometimes just a simple tweak to the business model is all that’s required to inject new momentum into company growth.

In particular, Apple has recently started taking itself more seriously as a digital services company. The idea here is that it will allow for the company to make deeper use of that extensive consumer base that it has accrued over the years.

The good news is that so far it’s been working. Apple’s services revenue stood at $37 billion by the end of last year, second only to iPhone sales. Even more impressive is the fact that this figure is expected to double by 2022 according to the Trefis Team.

The bad news is though, Apple is being repeatedly accused of bullying as it continues to…



Jovan Medford

Software Engineer | Public breadcrumbs regarding my engineering journey (with pretty pictures)