5 Signs You Are One Of The Hardworking Writers On Medium!

Being a writer is no easy task, and those who truly dedicate themselves to their craft are often recognized for their hard work and commitment. If you’re wondering whether you fall into the category of a hardworking writer, here are five signs that indicate you are on the right track:

3 min readNov 18, 2023

1. Consistent Writing Routine:

One of the primary indicators of a hardworking writer is the establishment of a consistent writing routine. Whether it’s every morning before the sun rises or during late-night sessions, a dedicated writer sets aside specific times for writing regularly.

They understand that creativity and productivity thrive on routine, and they make a conscious effort to show up at their writing desk even when inspiration seems elusive.

2. Embracing Revisions and Feedback:

Hardworking writers know that the first draft is just the beginning. They are open to the revision process and willingly seek feedback from peers, beta readers, or editors.

Instead of being defensive about their work, they view criticism as an opportunity for growth and improvement.

Embracing revisions allows them to refine their ideas and craft, making their writing stronger and more impactful.

3. Pursuing Continuous Learning:

A hardworking writer never stops learning. They invest time in reading, attending workshops, and webinars, and engaging in discussions with other writers.

Photo by Belinda Fewings on Unsplash

Whether it’s studying grammar and language nuances or exploring diverse genres, a commitment to continuous learning helps them evolve as writers and stay relevant in an ever-changing literary landscape.

4. Setting Goals and Deadlines:

Hardworking writers are goal-oriented and set clear objectives for their writing projects. They break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable goals and set realistic deadlines to achieve them.

By doing so, they maintain a sense of direction, remain accountable to themselves, and ensure steady progress in their work.

Meeting these milestones brings a sense of accomplishment and motivates them to keep pushing forward.

5. Resilience in the Face of Challenges:

Writing can be a challenging and solitary pursuit, often accompanied by rejection and self-doubt. Hardworking writers display resilience, refusing to be discouraged by setbacks.

They embrace failures as valuable learning experiences and use criticism to fuel their determination to improve.

This resilience enables them to persevere through difficult times and emerge stronger on the other side, ready to tackle new writing projects with renewed vigor.


In conclusion, being a hardworking writer goes beyond merely putting words on paper. It’s about dedication, discipline, and a passion for continuous improvement. Find yourself adhering to a consistent writing routine, embracing revisions, seeking opportunities to learn, setting goals and deadlines, and demonstrating resilience. You can take pride in being a hardworking writer.

Remember that writing is a journey, and your effort in honing your skills will undoubtedly bear fruit in your literary endeavors. Keep writing, keep growing, and enjoy the process!




A Computer Science student who has fallen in love with reading and writing. About me+ Business+Money making+Blogging.