Sometimes Reading Too Much On Medium Is Overwhelming For Me!

Even while writing this I am feeling overwhelmed.

3 min readOct 23, 2023
Photo by Christian Erfurt on Unsplash

Probably, not the best time for me to write because this might turn out as emotional rather than enjoyable and informative, I guess.

But let me tell you something.

  • Firstly, I have been reading every day on Medium. For some reason, I feel like I have been addicted to reading for a few days because I have stopped writing.

And that was not part of the plan!

Writing is the main part of being on Medium, at least for me.

  • Secondly, the internet was going crazy today. And that sucks!

I hate it. Especially because most of my work is on the internet if it gets disconnected, how the heck am I gonna do things?

I work as an online writer and I am a computer science student while I learn to code by myself because the university won’t teach you to code like the courses do.

It is overwhelming sometimes.

  • Thirdly, I love reading about business, side hustles, online money-making ways, and writing platforms.

For a long time, I was thinking of expanding to some other platform, like Newsbreak or vocal media (Even though I tried vocal media but didn’t enjoy it).

I recently discovered some other platforms which I think pretty much are like Medium except for a few differences.

  1. Hive. blog
  2. Hubpages

I started reading about them more and more.

As some of my questions about these platforms were not answered, I started watching videos about them.

Look, it is good because this is exactly how I discovered Medium but it was overwhelming too. As I sat for the whole night and didn’t sleep out of curiosity.

Maybe I should remember that curiosity killed the cat. Lol!

I wanted to read about these platforms so bad that I ruined my routine.

Guess, what?

I then noticed that I had not been writing any new articles for a few days and publishing some of the pieces from drafts only.

This is exactly why I came up with the idea of writing this article.

Why I am telling you this?

I would like to share the message that don’t exhaust yourself so much and don’t be hard on yourself so that things start going wrong and you start to feel miserable.

Well! I need this advice more, right now!

But what could be better than parenting myself so that I can chill and write about it at the same time?

I hope you enjoyed the read!




A Computer Science student who has fallen in love with reading and writing. About me+ Business+Money making+Blogging.