the pessimistic mindset + how to overcome

Joyce Blooms
3 min readOct 2, 2023


Having a pessimistic mindset doesn’t minimize the hurt and disappointment you may feel — it establishes a mentality as you heal.

If you choose to be optimistic, it still won’t minimize the pain. However, being optimistic allows you to move forward while having a renewed mindset.

Personally, I tend to prepare myself for the worst outcome because facing disappointment can be too much to bear. I begin to think negatively so that I can beat myself to the finish line of possible failure.

However, this mindset doesn’t cushion the blow of my affliction. In fact, it usually leaves me stranded on a deserted island of fear, distress and hopelessness.

To elaborate, as a senior at the University of Florida, finding an internship is deemed essential to secure a great job after graduating. Last year, I sought out an incredible immersion program in NYC to gain experience — it was perfect!

Despite my declaration of being surrendered to God’s plan, I chose to allow negative thoughts to conquer my mind. I thought to myself, “Joyce, you’re inadequate, and it’s IMPOSSIBLE for you to get this role.

Why would God want you to succeed?” I remember feeling nonstop emotions of anxiety and an unhealthy fear of God.

The words that echoed in my brain were “toxic” and “contradicting”, which I quickly masked by labeling my belief as “being realistic”. As someone who loves to plan, it’s important to know the difference.

There’s a difference between effective planning versus negative pondering — the difference is that one of them leads to spiritual death, while the other leads to victories in God’s sovereignty.

Marbella Beach, Spain | 2022

After years of expecting the worst from life, I have chosen to think of the best that can happen.

Since it’s my first nature to still think unkindly towards myself and to create false personas of who God is, I often ask godly women around me to share their opinion on the matter.

I do this because everyone deserves to have an optimist in their life. Here’s a pic of one of my best friends and my personal “optimist”:

As I am becoming more intentional about having a renewed mindset, I’ve begun to study out God’s character in the Bible and have chosen to hold on to the following scripture:

“Summing it all up, friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious — the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse.”

I hope you’re inspired after reading this and that it encourages you to become secure in thinking about the best that can happen with God’s plan.

living w/ the “what’s the best that can happen?” mindset | I love it here 💗

I hope you bloom,

Joyce 🤍

