Build Something You Love, On Your Own Terms

Joy Taiwo
3 min readDec 20, 2023


Or — Create Passionately and Authentically on Your Own Terms

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

I don’t like the feeling of stuck-ness.

When you are only an employee, your boss or the organization tells you what to do with your time (I mean their time).

They determine your tasks and duties and you could even get in trouble if they caught you using their time to do something else (that they have not asked you to do) that could benefit your work or the organization.

They can add or remove tasks different from what they initially hired you for without adequate compensation.

Some organizations or employers will even dictate how they want you to do your work. They want you to use their method and work at their speed.

The worst part is that you have to work and be productive even when you feel at your worst because you sold eight good hours of your life to them daily.

It hard. It’s bad, but these are not enough reasons to quit.

Why? Because quitting your job is risky, my friend, remember you have bills to pay.

Here's what you can do instead.

Build something

One of the ways I have learned to take out the misery of my day job is by building something on the side.

Don’t get me wrong; my work environment is fairly calm, my coworkers are friendly, and my work brings me over-fulfilment.

However, I feel unstuck when building my own profitable creative outlet on the side.

I feel like I have a choice.

I have something else to turn to when I have had enough.

If I get fired tomorrow, I am not hopeless.

Even when I eventually get my dream job, I will always continue letting out my creative prowess on the side because doing that gives me what no boss can give me — freedom.

Build something you love

Your profitable creative outlet should be something you love doing.

When you have a paid job, you’re not worrying about whether you are making millions from your side hustle, but you want it to have the potential to make you money if you ever quit your 9 to 5.

So you’re free.

This allows you to do what you love and build for the long term without the pressure of making money now.

It also allows you to test to see if this is what you love or not.

You’re seeing what works and what sticks with you.

Perhaps you used to enjoy making videos of yourself, and being a YouTuber appealed to you. Now that you’re doing it without pressure, you may not love being on camera at all. You may realize you love creating and editing videos of other things or people.

Building on the side allows you to explore and play around without losing big time or money.

You can start things to see if you enjoy them and stop them when you want to.

No high stakes here.

Do it on your own terms

When you have your side creative outlet, you can choose what time of the day to work on it: night, morning, or noon.

You choose how much product or service to offer at a time.

Your output is completely up to you.

You can choose how many clients to accept at a time.

You can work with your own schedule.

You have time to build a high-quality website and create your brand image.

You’re not doing things in a rush because you have no do-or-die goals to meet.

Everything is mostly entirely up to you — that's power.

Finally, You can create passionately and authentically using your own tools and methods — that's freedom and that’s power.

The Maker, Dear newsletter is helping creators like you build a profitable creative outlet without the risk that comes with quitting their 9 to 5 jobs. This is my special invitation to you to join now, absolutely free.



Joy Taiwo

Highly Sensitive Person (Introvert). Certified in Psychological First-Aid