Moments Of Silence

A Short Session To Still Your Mind.

Joy Taiwo
2 min readMar 30, 2024

According to research, silence boosts awareness, personal reflection, clarity, good decision making, mindfulness, memory, productivity, patience, creativity, heart health, listening skills, breathing, psychological health, sleep quality and brain growth.

The purpose of today’s session is to practise a moment of silence so we can calm racing thoughts and reap the benefits of quietness.

Let’s begin:

Get into a comfortable position.

If you can, take off any tight or scratchy clothing and wear something cozy.

No, you don’t need to get something to drink.

Sink into your chair.

Drop your shoulders.

Wait a moment.

Now keep quiet.

Just keep quiet.

Try to yawn.

Relax your shoulders again.

Remain silent.

You’re beginning to observe the sounds and movements around you, thats good.

Now, take a deep breath in through your nose and breathe out slowly through your mouth.

Wait a moment.

Breathe in and out again but this time, make it deep so that you feel it in your stomach.

Take a couple of moments to notice the sounds and movements around you while breathing in and out at your own pace.

This is for you.

You are safe now.


Now close your eyes and take 10 deep breaths at your own pace.

You’re back.

Stretch your neck to the left side and then to the right.

Sit up.

Relax your shoulders.

Shake your arms and fingers downwards like you’re waving goodbye to the floor.

Thank you for practicing today!

I hope this session, at least, made you stop to breathe. You can practise this short session as many times as you want throughout your day. May you have a peaceful one.



Joy Taiwo

Highly Sensitive Person (Introvert). Certified in Psychological First-Aid