Some Liabilities Only Airplane Accident Attorneys Can Find

Joyce Wood
2 min readOct 28, 2014


When you come to think of it, airplanes are considered as quite a safe means of transport. But if you are ever involved in an accident, the chances of survival are relatively low. Still, don’t think that no one survives airplane accidents. It’s just that there are very few accidents which aren’t fatal. The only problem here is that while the large commercial airlines have no choice but to make this information public, there are a lot of smaller airlines that just sweep accidents like this under the rug.

The FAA has stated that air traffic is going to double in the next twenty years and with this kind of increase in air traffic, the number of airplane accidents are definitely going to increase as well. Now when it comes to aviation law, there is no denying the fact that we don’t really know what’s written in it. This is where a New York airplane accident attorney comes into the picture. These attorney’s deal especially with cases like this where they can help people like you and me who have suffered during airplane accidents to get some sort of compensation from the airline for their mistake. You may get injured by something as silly as a bag that falls out of the overhead bin while the plane is passing through some turbulent weather. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t the airlines responsibility to ensure all the overhead bins are secure. And if you can claim compensation for something as silly as that, just imagine what your rights would be if you were involved in a serious airplane accident. Given below is a list of the various accidents for which you can claim compensation from an airline:

1. Collisions and crashes.
2. Shifting baggage falling on you while the plane is in the air or on the ground.
3. Mechanical failures.
4. Pilot negligence.
5. Air traffic errors and various miscommunication.

It is important for you to understand that the liability for all these accidents lies with the airline. But at the same point of time, they are dealing with cases like this on a daily basis. This must probably be your first such case. That’s why it is important for you to hire an aviation attorney to help you file your lawsuit. You wouldn’t want to make a lawsuit full of loopholes which allows the airline to get away scot free now would you? So spend the extra money and let a professional take care of everything for you. See more here

