Joydeep Biswas
2 min readFeb 27, 2023
Photo by Brad Neathery on Unsplash

Dear Writers,

Nobody said it was easy.


But you have to do it. Because it is the path you have chosen. And it’s fine if you’re frustrated sometimes.

Take a break and try again.

Go for a walk. Come back and write.

But keep pursuing it, the results will show.

And no need to publish everything; neither approach writing with the goal of publishing.

Just write.

Good things will come up automatically.

And then the magic happens. It takes time, for sure. But it happens.

New ideas always come up if you keep writing. This is the beauty of writing.

And write a lot.

I read somewhere that when you write, you start with the bad ideas. When the bad ideas are out of your system, the good ideas begin to flow.

But for this to happen, you have to write for a longer duration (more than an hour) and write regularly.


Brain dump for 5–10 minutes before you start writing. It will clear out the bad ideas and may generate 1–2 good ideas, as well. You never know.

To the love of writing 🥂

Joydeep Biswas

I walk, think, and write. || Short stories and writing tips.