Population Research Tool for the United States

Oithis Tree
5 min readMar 11, 2024


This unique tool enables you to get an instant answer to a simple question regarding specific Audience of Interest.

How many people belong to a portion of US population defined by a certain geographic area, sex/gender, age range, and spoken languages?

Audience of Interest examples.

Screen shot at the top shows how many people in the US speak English. Notice that geographic area refers to the entire United States, sex/gender refers to both men and women, and age range covers all possible ages. However, spoken languages indicate English only.

Let’s find out entire US population by indicating to use ALL languages. This is shown in the screen shot below.

What about entire state of California? Here it is in another screen shot.

What if we want to know how many women reside in California? No problem.

In the final example, we can easily find out how many men of ages between 18–40 live in Beverly Hills, CA and speak English, Spanish, Chinese, Italian, or Japanese languages.

You get the idea.

You can even play a fun game. You and your friends can try to guess how many people belong to a certain group. Then find out the number using this tool. See whose guess was more accurate.

How to access this tool

This is not a standalone tool, but rather part of an unrelated web based application.

You can access it at oithis.com/app, then click/tap on Audience of Interest in order to maximize it.

You don’t have to login or register. Just play with Audience of Interest as long as you want.

Accuracy and limitations

This population research tool deploys sophisticated statistical model.

However, it does not account for pockets of population where people of specific nationalities congregate with higher density. Nor does it account for illegal immigration.

This tool accounts for most popular language groups, but not all of them.

Amazingly, in some instances you may get very accurate results. However, in a few cases population numbers may be off by 5–10%.

Population numbers are updated in real time while accounting for continuous growth of the US population. For example, make a note of the entire US population, then change parameters to include men only. Wait for a minute or two, then change back to include both men and women. You will notice that the population number slightly increased.

Overall, this tool would give your a pretty good feel for the number of people in various population groups.

Why an application would deploy the notion of Audience?

OiThis application enables anyone to quickly and easily create and maintain a simple website, called Object of Interest, with extended features such as multiple designated pages, conversations, and more.

There is no need for domain names or web hosting. Name your object of interest any way you want. Separating words with spaces is perfectly fine.

No technical skills are required. If someone knows how to click around, they can do it.

What is interesting that each object of interest is assigned its Intended Audience.

When someone is looking for useful information, a person’s Audience of Interest is checked against objects of interests’ intended audiences. Only matching objects of interest are shown in the results.

This approach assures that search results are much more precise and relevant.

Such approach allows to accomplish things which have never been possible in the past.

For example, ‘How Cars Work’ can be presented differently to children and to adults.

‘Gardening’ could be presented differently depending on where people live.

‘Weekly Health walk’ can be presented for every local community, and even differently for men and women of different ages.

To summarize, notion of audience allows to pursue a multidimensional approach when presenting information to different people.

It also promotes smart cooperation between consumers and businesses instead of relying on forced advertising model which forces users to view unwanted and unsolicited content.

What else is interesting?

You may be wondering what is OiThis application, and what other interesting things its creators came up with?

As with other fundamentally new inventions, people tend to have trouble categorizing it. Some may say it is a website builder. Others will argue it allows building a knowledge base. You will find many who say it is a unique social media platform. Yet, others will refer to it as a tool to create informational networks.

OiThis is an innovative technology company which made an important discovery about how humans perceive knowledge and information. Then, built web based application around it.

There are a number of other practical inventions and novel ideas like audience of interest, informational real estate, as well as enabling everyday people to have their own simple websites without the need for domain names or web hosting.

OiThis application gives voice to everyday people while providing simple and clear interface.

Do you know how it all started? By asking the right questions.

