Introduction to EasyWay for Nofap

Truno Joyo
3 min readSep 16, 2020


If there is Easy Way, why take another way?

Hackbook : A book based and hacked from another book. The original author is credited fully.

This hackbook will enable you to stop porn addiction, immediately, painlessly, and permanently, without the need for willpower or feeling any sense of deprivation or sacrifice. It will not judge you. It will not embarrass you. It will not put pressure on you to undergo painful measures.

That goes against everything you’ve ever been told. But ask yourself if what you’ve been told before worked for you ? If it had, you wouldn’t be reading this site. The effects of this HackBook are :

* Instantaneous

* Equally effective for the heavy user

* No bad withdrawal pangs

* Needs no willpower

* No shock treatment

* No aids or gimmicks

* You will not replace this addiction with other addictions such as overeating or smoking or drinking.

* Permanent

I am Allen Carr. I am also not Allen Carr. So yes I am not the author. I am the hack-author.

I hacked (you can say, edited) Allen Carr’s book and his method of de-addiction to adapt it for porn addiction. Why ? Because his method helped me in getting rid of cigarettes and alcohol. And since research has indicated that porn, especially internet porn acts like cocaine in human brain — I am convinced that it will help in de-addicting an addict to porn as well.

Why did I hack his work ?. Because he is dead now. And the institution that he had formed does not list Internet porn as one of the addictions that it provides services for. I don’t gain monetarily or otherwise. Above all — you won’t ‘find’ me in this book. Myself and Allen will appear and disappear in this book to provide you with an unique and effective method to get your mind de-addicted.

The common thread running through Allen Carr’s work is the removal of fear. Fear caused by misconceptions and confusion about what biological need/drive sex really is. Indeed, his genius lies in eliminating the phobias and anxieties which prevent people from being able to enjoy life to the full, as his bestselling books vividly demonstrate. His method is solid and has high success rates. It helped cure me of not one but three addictions. There is a network of clinics that uses his methods that span the globe and has a phenomenal reputation for success in helping people to quit addictions ( except porn). Their success rate is over 95% with money-back guarantees.

There will be many chapters of this book, that I will update daily. Please follow if you want to know the Easy Way to NoFap, forever.

PS : An Important Advice For You : Do Not Jump Chapters.


With this HackBook you will be able to :

.. Identify what online porn, masturbation, and dopamine addiction really are

.. You will see porn as an addictive substance and will subconsciously treat it so.

.. You will be able to have sex with a real person without fantasy.

.. You will be able to masturbate when a real person is not available without porn.

Dr. Albert Ellis’ autobiography — “All Out!”

“I used to wrongly think that most of them ( addicts) were aided by self-help groups like AA, by therapy, or some other real support. But no. The facts show that more people surrender their addictions on their own-without any notable help from others. How ? Mainly by seeing, acknowledging, and emphasizing how hard it is not to stop and how much easier it is-in the long run- to suffer through the withdrawal process.”



Truno Joyo

Just a human being that wants to help fellow human being. Reach me at