You Are The Creator Of Your Own Destiny

7 min readOct 10, 2018


This blog is an inspiration from BK Shivani. I am certain many of you would gradually be able to change yourself and accept the fact that we are not this body, we are pure souls. Honestly speaking! I have also seen a change in me after listening to various topics of her. According to me, she is a gem of a person. Listening to her you almost get goosebumps. I mean she is so simple and practical.

In this blog, we will discuss one of her great topics- Create Your Own Destiny. We constantly hear this statement “Whatever happens in our life is already written.” You know we have accepted this statement so easily that we don’t think beyond it. Meaning, we don’t give a second to us to think that maybe it’s our karma. Maybe I had done something wrong to a person in my previous birth, etcetera.

Do you believe in Karma?

You are aware with the law of karma, whatever good or bad you do come back to you. Aren’t you? Let’s take an example, we have a bad habit to raise our voices in front of our parents. How many of you agree with me? I think everybody agrees, don’t you? It’s actually we are writing our destiny which will come back to us some or the other day. Maybe when we grew older like our parents and our children start raising their voices. We actually don’t realize while doing that.

Let’s take another example. Mother gives a birth to twins and surprisingly the horoscope of both the babies is different. Logically, being twins their horoscope should be the same, isn’t it? But it is not so! Eventually, they are two souls, so, their karma scores are also different. When asked from the Hindu priest who made their horoscope, why their horoscopes are different? He said that the horoscope is created evaluating the position of the planets, and the karmas of the previous birth. Here the moral is karma continues to follow in the current birth unless and until you don’t settle it.

Many Lives, Many Masters

Last year I was reading a book called Many Lives, Many Masters by Brian. L. Weiss- American Physiatrist. It is a must-read book for the ones who believe in reincarnation. The book has real facts and says a lot of about our current lives. As in, why we carry such an attitude, why things are occurring in a weird way. I am just briefing you the outline of this amazing novel. A soul takes 84 births and during these births, it goes through different scenarios and act on as per its nature. Some souls easily get through the difficult times and some souls are left alone to struggle with their tough times and carry that pain in their next birth. This book is a case study of a girl who comes to the author for the treatment. And, when he starts her treatment, he comes across her journey of previous births and helps cure her current birth.

This book has many facts that make us understand that why our life is predestined as BK Shivani says. We are sometimes or rather be true and say many times perpexled with the current situations that we are unable to manage. But we don’t stop for a second to give a thought that this situation occurred because of my actions taken during the previous birth. It is occurred to make me realize its effect and find out the ways to resolve it or settle the karmic account. We should actually start thinking to make our life easy and stable.

What is Reincarnation?

Reincarnation! In simple words, reincarnation means re-birth. We take birth after death. It’s a constant process. There is no such heaven or hell. Our karmas reward us with heaven or hell on the earth. Besides, our actions of the current birth are the consequences of the previous birth. It means that the current birth has a direct connection to the previous birth.

Reincarnation has a deep meaning. As gradually a few people are learning about reincarnation and its aftermath in our current birth, they are spreading an awareness, “Everyone is born for a purpose.”, “People pass through our life for a reason.” Mother, father, brother, sister, husband, wife are a family but why some of us have sour relations with them. Think! Husband and wife don’t share good bonding, brother and sister have fights like cats and dogs and share negative vibes. And, one day we meet a stranger and feel good. Why? Anyone! Anyone out there? The answer is simple. It is all our karmas. Some or the other ways we might have caused harm to our dear ones and shared a good bonding with the stranger in the previous birth.

Today, someone is a lawyer, a doctor, a teacher, an engineer, etc, Why? God never wrote these designations before our birth. Then, we are designated to these positions, Again, it is because of our karmas. Some are best in arguments and they have been doing it for long, so they are designated as lawyers whilst some are experts or being precise have always learned to save lives and contribute to a noble cause so they became doctors.

God only created a beautiful world and blessed humans with beautiful nature. What we are and what’s coming to us is all the consequences of our karma. And, the reason of reincarnation is to resolve the bad and bring happiness and peace in others’ life including yours too.

Astrologer Prediction- Missed a Point Above

Sorry, I missed an important example which Didi Shivani gave while discussing the horoscope topic. She put forward a point saying that or rather questioning that if an astrologer says that in coming three months one of your close relations will cheat on you, what you will do? Coming with an answer herself, she said that after the meeting with an astrologer you will go home and start doubting on your relatives. Even, if one of your family members go out without informing, you will start doubting on him. As a consequence, you will build up a high-stress level and live your life in stress for those three months, you won’t find a solution to build a strength in you to patiently bear when the situation comes. Why you won’t be able to do that? Because you are lack of that power, the virtues in you.

Digging the horoscope point again but now the angle is different. As described above horoscope- in Hindi we say kundli, is created evaluating the position of the planets and the karmas of a person. Usually, when we go to the astrologer, we have the same parrot questions to ask, “When he will get the job? When he will get married?” etcetera. None from us go and ask the real and needed questions so as to come up with a remedy to put an end to the struggle of that soul. Assuming that the soul is 40 years old still when you go and ask about his life to the astrologer, he will have the same prediction as he did earlier. No change. In those 40 years, there may be some changes in his attitude but this change won’t change the planets in the horoscope, what was created during the birth, the horoscope will remain the same.

In India, most of the families follow the practice of matching the horoscope of a girl and a boy prior to proceeding for marriage. After matching the horoscope(kundli) still, we hear numerous divorce cases. Why? It should not be the case, isn’t it? Next, we also follow the practice to see a promising date for the marriage but are the things work the way we think of? Actually No. Then why we don’t agree to make a couple marry on any day they want. What is the actual desire of the two families and the couple? To remain happy, isn’t it? Albeit marrying on any date, they are happy and still look forward to charm that happiness forever. Honestly! The horoscope will not define how the marriage will work, many times the predictions go wrong and we have no one to blame. Marriage becomes successful with the mutual understanding of the couple. It's nothing to do with the horoscope matching.

Summing Up

Hearing to BK Shivani, I realized that it’s not God who is responsible for the situations that knock our doors. It’s our karma which makes us stand in that situation which we have created for others somewhere in our current or previous lives. Parents don’t write illness and endurance in their children’s lives. What happens to them is for a reason, their destiny has written for them. So, in the current life what’s more important is to think which doing any action, think while speaking to get good Karma scores. Also, in your free time meditate and ask forgiveness from those with whom your relations are messed in the very life. Bless them as much as you can and say “I have settled my karmic account” period. Do this for 4 constant days. Trust me it works!

Adios! Will soon be back with another wonderful topic taking inspiration from BK Shivani.

