Long terms effects of sleep aponia

3 min readMay 5, 2022


Sleep aponia is an uncomfortable problem. For most, when they are sleeping, they experience interrupted breathing for ten to 15 seconds once every thirty minutes. If a person with sleep apnea becomes aroused, the apnea will be more frequent and prolonged. The apnea and arousal episodes disrupt the quality of their sleep and they may awaken frequently throughout the night.

If you are a snorer and wake up throughout the night with an open mouth, it is a good sign that you have sleep apnea. If you are a non-snorer, it is good to get a diagnosis. If the condition is mild, it may go undetected. But it may be responsible for significant injuries or other health issues. A high risk of complications can arise if the condition is severe.

1. Physical health

Excessive daytime sleepiness and sleep deprivation could lead to injuries and cause other health problems. If you are sleepy, it is difficult to keep your wits about you and keep your car on the road. Driving while asleep, is like driving drunk, it is dangerous and illegal. It increases your risk for accidents and motor vehicle crashes.

Excessive snoring is also very unhealthy and will lead to problems with the nerves, muscles, and heart. If you stop breathing while sleeping, your heart has to work harder to supply the body with oxygen. This is the cause of chest pains and irregular heartbeats.

If a person with sleep aponia stops breathing while asleep, they may wake themselves up with their involuntary attempts to breathe. If you are someone who has this condition, you may be at risk of developing sleep apnea.

If a person with sleep aponia has frequent periods of sleep apnea, they may get a condition called “apneic oxygenation syndrome”. They have more oxygen-deprived periods when they are asleep and this can cause heart damage.

2. Mental health

Sleep deprivation also affects mental health. It is common for people with sleep aponia to have high levels of anxiety. When they are in a place with a lot of stimuli, they may have problems falling asleep and sleeping. This can cause their anxiety levels to rise even more.

If you are someone with sleep aponia, you may have other issues besides anxiety. If your sleep aponia is mild, you may have depression. If you have more severe apnea, you may have symptoms of mental illness. You may feel like you are in an unusual emotional state. It can even make you feel as though you have “mental problems”.

You may feel hopeless and have trouble coping with stress. You may also have a harder time concentrating and doing everyday activities.

3. Social life

Sleep deprivation is disruptive to your daily life and makes it more difficult to carry out daily tasks. It can be upsetting when you cannot do things you are normally able to do without difficulties. For people with sleep apnea, it can affect their lives in many ways.

If you do not get enough sleep, it will affect your social life and your emotional state. Social life is also affected by the type of sleep you get. When you sleep with apnea, you will likely wake up throughout the night. If you are woken up, you will feel frustrated and annoyed.

Also, you will be less able to sleep well at night, which will be difficult to do after you get up. You will also be exhausted at the end of the day. This can cause problems with relationships and work.

