Joys Jaya Malar
2 min readJun 15, 2020

Ideas are worthless

“ The value of an idea lies in the using of it" - Thomas Edison.

So, how do we get ideas? Just like that? No. From a cognitive perspective, our brain allows us to voluntarily think of a concept which then triggers a chain of concepts, leading to a stream of thoughts. This cognitive ability is the reason why humans are able to come up with novel and creative ideas. Basicallyan, an idea is the collection of thoughts. Wow, isn't it?

Now, how many our ideas are getting into action? Very few to none, right? Why? Because we are lazy, negligent, scared, waiting for the right time, what not? But we all wish we could take as many ideas as possible to action. So, how can we do this?

The first step is to acknowledge that, doing nothing about it is 'not' OK. Unless we acknowledge it, we keep taking those ideas for granted.

The second step is to decide. Not all ideas are good and can be turned into action. Decide on what ideas you're going to work on.

The third step is - analyze but don't over think. Every work has it own risks and limitations. But just over thinking about them will take us nowhere.

The fourth step is to start small. It can be as simple as researching about it. But start. Don't keep waiting for the "right time". The right time is 'NOW'.

Now, we have turned an idea into action. That's it? No, there are other aspects we have to be cautious about. Consistency, avoiding distractions, Self- motivation, Not worrying about failures, and so on.

So, when you have an idea, don't neglect it, as your brain have spent a huge energy for it.

"Ideas are worthless until you get them out of your head and see what they can do" - Unknown