What Do AI, Cryptocurrencies, and Freelancing Have in Common?

3 min readApr 4, 2018


The future, for one thing. Each represents a major innovation or change with the potential to completely revolutionize the human experience. Consider this:

● In a 2017 report released by Upwork and Freelancers Union, 36% of the U.S. workforce is currently contractor-based labor with projections for that to rise above 50% in the next decade.

● AI is no longer optional for businesses of every size, including small business, according to a recent Forbes article.

● With the right distribution, cryptocurrencies represent the first real promise for a decentralized monetary system.

Each of these things could create an entirely new landscape for daily life. So, what happens when you bring all three together? Conn3x is going to find out. They have created an AI program that applies blockchain distribution to a freelancing platform.

James JobButler, as the AI is aptly named, matches freelance contractors to companies. It also automatically creates contracts, and awards the Conn3x cryptocurrency for use of the program and good behavior. So, the contractor is paid for their work by the company in a traditional currency, and both the contractor and company earn Conn3x as a result of the transaction.

This could be a totale game-changer for many reasons, and it makes Conn3x a unique ICO. It creates an environment where honesty is rewarded in a growing workforce, automates and improves the hiring process, and creates a solid system of distribution for the Conn3x cryptocurrency. Especially when you consider that freelancing is a global enterprise, with the largest part of the workforce operating in Asian and European countries.

However, this is not to say that all of the changes will be good. AI has always been seen as a potential threat. While proponents such as Bill Gates argue the potential for AI to benefit our culture, there are far more who fear the potential repercussions. Stephen Hawking himself once shared his fears over AI with the BBC:

“The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race….It would take off on its own, and re-design itself at an ever increasing rate.”

And that may be one thing that makes people wary of James JobButler. While automatically finding work and creating contracts may save time, the program can also automatically bar people access from work or contractors depending on their past performance.

This seems like an amazing idea at first glance, but what about the human factor? Can a program be trusted to weigh the effects of outside circumstances? Users can opt out of using James JobButler to find work or contractors, but that could potentially box them out of the marketplace if the majority of people choose to use the AI.

No matter what, this innovative ICO has hit on three of the biggest advancements of the last decade. There will be a lot of kinks along the way, but the industrial revolution wasn’t a smooth transition either. The way the world operates is changing, and that always creates controversy.




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